• 芬兰拉赫蒂市给新生派发应急礼包

    15-09-14 A Finnish city is handing out survival packs to new students, taking inspiration from the country's famous baby starter boxes. 芬兰一座城市给新生派发应急礼包,灵感来自芬兰著名的新生儿大礼包育婴宝盒。 The city of Lahti has packaged up a selection of...

  • 几位最受教育界欢迎的虚构教师角色

    15-09-14 According to a Times Education Supplement survey of 1,200 educators, two characters from the Harry Potter series grabbed prominent places in education's 50 favourite fictional teachers. 《泰晤士报教育增刊》调查了1200名教育工作者后发现,50个最受教育...

  • Fines

    15-09-14 On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules: The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be...

  • 实行夏令时会使高中生失眠

    15-09-06 A new study shows that high school students lose sleep on school nights following the change to daylight saving time that occurs in March. The loss of sleep during the school week was associated with a decline in vigilance and cognitive function, wh...

  • A gift of love

    15-09-06 Can I see my baby? the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window. The baby had been born...

  • 美国大学禁止学生使用冒犯性语言

    15-09-05 Professors at a US university have told students that they risk failing their assignments and even their semester if they use offensive or hateful language in class or submissions. 美国一所大学的教授告知学生,如果有人在课堂上或提交的作业中使用了冒犯...

  • 美国老师为学生布置哈利·波特魔法主题教室

    15-08-31 It's back-to-school time for kids across the country, but for the lucky sixth- to eighth-grade students in Stephanie Stephens' classroom at James L. Capps Middle School in Oklahoma City, they're already off to a wizardry first few days of learning....

  • lure students with unreasonable perks 恶性抢生源

    15-07-21 Universities are not allowed to lure students with unreasonable perks such as excessive scholarships or placement promises, the Ministry of Education announced on Wednesday in a notice regulating university recruitment. 教育部8日印发通知规范高校招生...

  • 伯明翰大学明令禁止抛扔学位帽庆祝毕业

    15-07-20 Graduates at a top UK university have been banned from throwing their mortarboards in the air over fears the falling hats could cause injuries. 因为担心掉落下来的学士帽可能伤人,英国一所著名学府明令禁止毕业生向空中抛帽。 Students at the University o...

  • 大学校长开网店销售人才

    15-07-09 The fierce competitiveness of today's job market has driven one university dean to look online. He Hua, 39, the dean of Kunming University, has set up a store on Taobao where employers can browse and 'buy' the young graduates. He, the youngest unive...