• 中国禁止对大学生网贷

    17-06-20 China has banned online loans to college students. 中国已禁止对高校学生的网络贷款。 Financial institutions not registered or authorized by regulators are now banned from offering loans on campus, said a recent notice by Chinas Banking Regulatory Com...

  • 美国多所高校更名以招揽外国学生

    17-06-16 Whats in a name? A lot, if you had asked Johnson State College and Lyndon State College in the US state of Vermont. 如果有人问美国佛蒙特州的约翰逊州立学院和林登州立学院,名字重要吗?它们会告诉你,非常重要。 The schools are now one, at least in name...

  • 英国大学将供应更好的中国食品

    17-06-13 Chinese students in the UK will soon be able to enjoy a much more authentic taste of home. 身在英国的中国留学生不久将可以吃到更加有家乡味道的食品。 Thats because The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO) has enlisted the help of Michelin-starred c...

  • 英国大学世界排名下滑

    17-06-12 British universities are slipping down the world rankings, with experts blaming the decline on pressure to admit more disadvantaged students. 英国大学的世界排行下滑,专家将其归咎于招收更多穷学生的压力。 Cambridge University, which for many years was...

  • 2017年参加高考的考生共计940万

    17-06-06 A total of 9.4 million Chinese high school students will sit the 2017 national college entrance examination, the Ministry of Education said. 中国教育部表示,2017年参加高考的考生共计940万。 Some 3.72 million of these students are expected to enroll i...

  • 美国大学生设计出男士连体短裤装

    17-05-27 First came the man bun and then the glitter beard - but the latest fashion accessory to hit the menswear world has been met with widespread ridicule. 先是男士丸子头,然后是金粉胡子,现在男装界又出现了新潮流。但是这款最新的时尚单品却遭到许多人的嘲笑...

  • 英美仍是中国学生海外留学首选地

    17-05-17 US President Donald Trumps arrival in the White House and Brexit in the United Kingdom have not lessened the appeal of these countries among Chinese students choosing an overseas education destination, according to a new report. 一份新报告显示,美国...

  • 印度一所学校训练学生用双手写字

    17-05-07 Only ten percent of the population are left handed - and only ONE percent can write with both hands. 在印度,只有10%的人是左撇子,而能用双手写字的更是仅有1%。 But all 300 students at Veena Vandini School in India can write with both their left and r...

  • 中国将制定措施确保校园安全

    17-04-13 The State Council, Chinas cabinet, on Wednesday mapped out measures to ensure safety on campus, stressing that those who engage in violent crimes on campus will be severely punished. 中国国务院周三制定出确保校园安全的措施,强调那些犯下校园暴力犯罪的...

  • 更多海外留学生选择回国工作

    17-04-12 New figures show more overseas Chinese students have chosen to return to China for work. 最新数据显示,中国越来越多的海外留学生选择回国工作。 According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, a total of 2.65 million overseas students...