• 孟买出现新冠病毒假疫苗案

    21-07-07 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,过去两个月,孟买十几个私人疫苗接种点涉嫌以盐水代替新冠疫苗为民众接种,受害者超2000人。 Thousands of people have fallen prey to an elaborate wide-ranging scam selling fake coronavirus vaccines in India, with doctors and medi...

  • 中国民众对中国共产党的满意度和信任度都大幅上升

    21-06-16 中国共产党建党百年之际,多项调查发现,中国民众对中国共产党的满意度和信任度都大幅上升。受访者表示,党赢得人心是因为党以人为本的理念,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民。 Chinese peoples satisfaction and trust in the century-old Communist Party of China has b...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 12

    21-05-06 Sir Thomas was to return in November, and his eldest son had duties to call him earlier home. The approach of September brought tidings of Mr. Bertram, first in a letter to the gamekeeper and then in a letter to Edmund; and by the end of August he a...

  • 英政府为查明血液感染事件展开公众调

    21-04-02 英国政府展开了一项公众调查,目的是查明在七、八十年代,英国国民医疗服务体系(NHS)为何给数以万计的人提供了含有艾滋病病毒及肝炎病毒的血液制品。被感染的患者们多年来生活拮据,他们要求政府给提供经济上的支持和补偿。政府对这些呼声都已经记入在内,调查预计将...

  • 深圳印发国内首个防治性骚扰行为指南

    21-04-01 日前,深圳市妇联、公安局等九部门联合印发我国首个指导机关、企业、学校等单位建立防治性骚扰工作机制的制度性文件《深圳市防治性骚扰行为指南》。 The Guideline on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Shenzhen refines provisions related to sexual harassment in t...

  • public cultural services 公共文化服务

    21-03-30 近日,文化和旅游部、国家发展改革委、财政部三部委联合印发意见,着力推动公共文化服务高质量发展。意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。 Chinese authorities have urged efforts to boost the...

  • national reading campaign 全民阅读

    21-03-21 中宣部办公厅近日印发《关于做好2021年全民阅读工作的通知》。通知指出,2021年将紧紧围绕庆祝建党100周年,在广大群众中深入做好党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史等重点出版物阅读推广。 China will launch a national reading campaign for 2021, accordi...

  • high-quality education system 高质量教育体系

    21-03-12 3月6日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在参加全国政协医药卫生界教育界联组会时强调,要着力构建优质均衡的基本公共教育服务体系,建设高质量教育体系。 President Xi Jinping on March 6 stressed giving priority to building a high-quality and ba...

  • 号召群众

    21-03-09 Have you got a good idea you could turn into a business? Not much cash to get off the ground? In many countries thats when people turn to crowdfunding. This is a method of raising finance online by asking a large number of people each to chip in. Th...

  • 糟糕

    21-03-07 There are times when saying sorry is not enough to spare you from embarrassment. A few weeks ago I baked a cake and sent it to my friends mother. My friend told me it was a nice gesture but I might have added salt to the recipe rather than sugar......