• The Godfather 教父 Chapter 17

    22-09-14 The war of 1947 between the Corleone Family and the Five Families combined against them proved to be expensive for both sides. It was complicated by the police pressure put on everybody to solve the murder of Captain McCluskey. It was rare that oper...

  • 2024年荷兰哈勒姆将禁止在公共场所打肉食广告

    22-09-09 荷兰的哈勒姆市将从2024年开始在全球率先禁止在公共场所打肉食广告,目的是减少源自肉食生产的温室气体排放。同样被禁止的还有假日航空旅行、化石燃料和燃油汽车的广告。 A Dutch city will become the first in the world to ban meat adverts from public spaces in...

  • 未来几年中国公有云市场有望再增长一倍以上

    22-09-09 近日,全球管理咨询公司麦肯锡发布名为《云端中国,展望2025》的研究报告。报告指出,中国的公有云市场规模有望在未来几年再增长一倍以上,从2021年的320亿美元增长到2025年的900亿美元。 Chinas next wave of cloud migration is expected to be spearheaded by criti...

  • 未来几年中国公有云市场有望再增长一倍以上

    22-09-09 近日,全球管理咨询公司麦肯锡发布名为《云端中国,展望2025》的研究报告。报告指出,中国的公有云市场规模有望在未来几年再增长一倍以上,从2021年的320亿美元增长到2025年的900亿美元。 Chinas next wave of cloud migration is expected to be spearheaded by criti...

  • 别具一格的图书馆

    22-08-16 Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to explore the racks and settle down with a new book, or use roving libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations. No matter how they achieve it, these novel libraries are keeping...


    22-07-26 THE SECRET EATER 偷吃型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Eat virtuously in public, but tuck into junk food when no ones watching? 众目睽睽之下吃的很健康,但是没人看见的时候就狂吃垃圾食品? Raid the fridge at night? 晚上席卷冰箱? Pick at the childrens leftove...

  • 与夏天有关的习语 下

    22-07-25 6. Make a Splash 这个习语的意思是to get a lot of public attention,得到公众关注。 If you want your book to be successful, youve got to make a splash by having a book launch and throwing lots of parties. 如果你想要你的书获得成功的话,你必须开推书会和...

  • 天知地知你知我知

    22-06-28 Can I count on you? 我可以信任你吗? Could you keep a secret? 你能保密吗? Keep it to yourself. 你自己知道就行了。 This is for your ears only. 我只告诉你了哦。 Dont say I told you. 千万别说是我告诉你的。 This is not public knowledge. 这可不是谁都能...

  • off-limits 禁止入

    22-06-22 Off-limits 意思是禁止入內,限制进出或不准使用,关闭(closed or not available)。 例如: The library will be off-limits to the public until re-carpeting project is completed. 在新地毯铺好之前,图书馆将对民众闭馆。...

  • 美国医疗补助扩员计划将终止 数百万人可能失去医保

    22-06-02 今年7月美国新冠疫情公共卫生紧急状态到期时,如果不再延期,医疗补助扩员计划将随之终止,那么将有数百万美国人因为不符合条件而失去医保,对这部分人而言后果可能是毁灭性的。 When the US federal governments pandemic health emergency declaration expires, mill...