• 荷兰餐厅为防控疫情搭建 “温室包间”

    20-10-11 A Covid-secure space to socialise. Could these greenhouses be the future of going out? As countries emerge from lockdown all over Europe, theyre experimenting with new ways to get people dining out again. 这是一个不用担心新冠病毒的安全社交空间。这些...

  • PDA 秀恩爱

    20-10-10 说到秀恩爱,你觉得英语应该怎么表达呢?难道是show my love吗?不是的! 秀恩爱的英文其实只需要三个字母:PDA 为什么是PDA?这三个字母有什么联系吗?往下看你就懂啦。 PDA:Public Display of Affection P= public公开的 D= display显示,炫耀 A= affection爱慕,喜...

  • 美国国际声誉下滑至近二十年最低点

    20-09-16 Americas reputation among some allies has fallen to its lowest point in nearly two decades, according to a global survey. 一项全球调查显示,美国在一些盟友中的声誉已跌至近二十年来的最低点。 The findings of the Pew Research Center poll reflect public...

  • 东京推出透明公厕

    20-08-25 One of Tokyos most popular districts has recently added some unusual new attractions: transparent public toilets. 东京最受欢迎的地区最近增添了一道与众不同的新风景:透明公厕。 Designed by Shigeru Ban Architects, the two new sets of see-through restro...

  • 中国出台加强农村管理指导方针

    19-06-24 The General Offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council on Sunday published a guideline for enhancing rural governance. 中国共产党中央委员会办公厅以及国务院周日发布一份加强农村地区管理的指导方针。 By 2020, C...

  • 中科院将举办第15届公众科学日

    19-05-14 The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced Monday that it will hold its 15th Public Science Day from May 18 to 19. 中国科学院周一宣布,5月18日至19日该院将羁绊第15届公众科学日。 About 120 research institutes of the CAS throughout China will part...

  • 范冰冰税务风波后首次公开露面

    19-04-24 Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has made her first public appearance since news broke of her tax problems last year. 中国女演员范冰冰自去年税务风波之后首次公开露面。 Fan Bingbing has been spotted at a banquet celebrating online video platform iQiyis ni...

  • 中国国家海洋博物馆年内向公众开放

    19-04-04 Chinas first national maritime museum is scheduled to be open to the public this year, with venue construction entering the home stretch, local authorities said. 中国第一家国家海洋博物馆计划于今年向公众开放,目前场馆建设已进入冲刺阶段。 The museum i...

  • 日本2018年度汉字 “灾”

    18-12-23 In the annual vote, the public nominated this kanji character after experiencing a number of natural disasters. 灾字在今年的公众年度投票中胜出。2018年,日本经历了数次自然灾害。 Japan has suffered flooding, typhoons, earthquakes and heatwaves in 2018...

  • 近百万人参加2019公务员考试

    18-12-03 A total of 920,000 people took the National Public Servant Exam on Sunday to compete for 14,500 positions, the State Administration of Civil Service said. 根据国家公务员管理局的信息,周天共有92万人参加国家公务员考试,竞争14500个职位。 The exam is co...