• floor vote 全院表决

    12-06-20 Even if the measure passed a floor vote in the Senate, it needs to get approval from the House before it could reach the president for being signed into law. 即使该政策通过了美国参议院的全院表决,仍需得到众议院通过,才能经由总统签字生效。 文中的floo...

  • 奥朗德两任女友矛盾爆发

    12-06-18 The live-in lover of French President Francois Hollande today infuriated the mother of his four children by backing her electoral rival for a place in Parliament. 法国总统弗朗索瓦-奥朗德的同居女友瓦莱丽近日公开表态支持他的前女友罗雅尔的国民议会竞选...

  • 奥巴马演讲 赞赏卡尔扎伊总统并呼吁尽快实现战略合作协议

    12-06-02 It is a great pleasure to welcome President Karzai to my hometown of Chicago after he extended hospitality to me during my visit to to Kabul recently. During that trip to Afghanistan, we were able to finalize the Strategic Partnership Agreement that...

  • 布什为其官方画像举行揭幕式

    12-06-01 Former President George W Bush was in good humour as he returned to the White House for the unveiling of his official portrait. 美国前总统乔治W布什返回白宫为他的官方画像举行揭幕仪式,期间他心情大好。 President Barack Obama welcomed his predecessor t...

  • 奥朗德首次出访飞机遭雷击

    12-05-21 Francois Hollande had quite a first day as French president: swearing in, Champs Elysees parade in torrential rain, then a lightning strike to his plane en route to meet the world's most powerful woman. 法国新任总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德任职的第一天堪称非比...

  • 奥朗德将宣誓就职法国总统

    12-05-15 Francois Hollande is set to be sworn in as French president, before travelling to Berlin to discuss the future of the eurozone with Germany's chancellor. 弗朗索瓦奥朗德即将飞抵柏林与德国总理讨论欧盟的未来问题,在此之前他将先宣誓就职法国总统。 He wil...

  • 奥朗德女友瓦莱丽是第三者?

    12-05-14 From a former supermodel with a reputation for partying with rock stars to a twice-divorced mother the French vote for president will see more than just economic policies change. 奥朗德当选法国总统后,法国第一夫人即将从和摇滚明星聚会的前超模布吕尼,...

  • 普京将宣誓就职俄罗斯总统

    12-05-07 Vladimir Putin is to be inaugurated as president of Russia in a ceremony in the capital, Moscow. 弗拉基米尔普京将在俄罗斯首都莫斯科宣誓就职总统。 Mr Putin took part in a religious ceremony on the eve of his inauguration as president Mr Putin will re...

  • 萨科奇被评法国最不受欢迎总统

    12-04-21 Nicolas Sarkozy was declared the most unpopular president in French history in a damning poll on Sunday ahead of the first round of the presidential elections next week, as the two leading candidates vied to rally voters in mass, open-air speeches i...

  • 缅甸总统出访日本寻求援助

    12-04-20 Burmese President Thein Sein has arrived in Japan for a five-day visit expected to focus on financial aid and debt relief. 缅甸总统登盛已抵达日本,开始为期五天的访问,希望藉此行获得财政援助与债务减免。 President Thein Sein became Burma\s leader afte...