• 金永吉被任命为世界银行新董事长

    12-04-17 US nominee Jim Yong Kim has been chosen as the new president of the World Bank. 美国候选人金永吉被任命为世界银行新董事长。 Dr Kim will take up his post on 1 July The Korean-American health expert is president of Dartmouth College in the US state of...

  • 乌戈·查韦斯:癌症治疗“效果很好”

    12-04-13 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says his battle against cancer is advancing after he returned from a third round of radiotherapy in Cuba. 委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯称,他与癌症的斗争已有成就。他刚从古巴接受了第三轮化疗归国。 On arrival, Mr Chavez went...

  • 阿尔及利亚开国总统病逝

    12-04-12 The first president of independent Algeria, Ahmed Ben Bella, has died at his home in Algiers following an illness, official media say. 阿尔及利亚独立后的首位总统艾哈迈德本贝拉因疾病在其家乡阿尔及尔离世。 Ahmed Ben Bella in 2010: his death coincides...

  • 法国总统选举正式开始

    12-04-10 The campaign for the first round of France's presidential election has officially started, with advertising allowed for each of the 10 candidates. 法国总统选举第一轮正式拉开帷幕,10名候选人每人都可以为自己投放广告。 Each candidate is allowed 43 minu...

  • 马拉维新总统解雇警察局长

    12-04-10 Malawi's new President Joyce Banda has sacked the country's police chief Peter Mukhito, state media have reported. 马拉维新总统乔伊丝班达解雇了警察局长彼得穆克黑图。 Ms Banda was sworn into office on Saturday following the death last week of Preside...

  • 埃及前副总统苏莱曼将参加选举

    12-04-09 Egypt's former vice-president, Omar Suleiman, has said he intends to be a candidate in Egypt's presidential elections next month. 埃及前副总统奥马尔苏莱曼称,他计划参加下个月的总统选举。 He had previously ruled himself out of the race, but changed h...

  • 马拉维副总统乔伊丝·班达升任总统

    12-04-09 Malawi's Vice-President Joyce Banda has been sworn in as president following the death of Bingu wa Mutharika. 马拉维总统宾古瓦穆塔里卡死后,副总统乔伊丝班达宣誓就职。 She becomes southern Africa's first female head of state after taking the oath bef...

  • 马拉维总统突发心脏病

    12-04-06 Malawi's President Bingu wa Mutharika has been flown to South Africa for medical treatment after suffering a heart attack, state media report. 马拉维国家媒体报道,总统宾古瓦穆塔里卡突发心脏病被送往南非接受治疗。 President Mutharika has been accused...

  • 教皇本笃十六世会见古巴总统

    12-03-28 Pope Benedict has met Cuban President Raul Castro on the second day of his visit to the communist-run island. 教皇本笃十六世在出访古巴的第二天会见了总统劳尔卡斯特罗。 Meanwhile, former President Fidel Castro has written that he is happy to meet the...

  • 法国威胁退出申根协定

    12-03-12 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has threatened to withdraw from Europe's open border zone unless more is done to stop illegal immigration. 法国总统萨科奇警告道,如果欧盟不解决非法移民问题,法国将退出边境免税贸易区。 Speaking at a Paris campaign ral...