• 伊朗与土耳其签署核燃料交换协议

    10-05-17 Iran has agreed a UN-backed deal on its nuclear programme after mediation talks with Turkish and Brazilian leaders, reports from Tehran say. 来自德黑兰的报道称,伊朗与土耳其、巴西领导人就核计划的调解会谈之后,伊朗同意遵守一项联合国支持的协议。 Recep...

  • 美俄重启核能源协议

    10-05-11 US President Barack Obama has revived a civilian nuclear energy pact with Moscow, which was shelved in the wake of Russia's 2008 conflict with Georgia. 美国总统奥巴马与俄罗斯重新启动民用核能源协议,该协议曾在2008年因俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚冲突而被搁置。 Mr...

  • 朝鲜愿重回六方会谈

    10-05-07 North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is committed to ending the North's nuclear programme, Chinese state media says. 中国新华社报道,朝鲜领导人金正日愿意停止核试验。 It was Kim Jong-il's fifth to China since succeeding his father in 1994 Mr Kim's secreti...

  • 美国批判伊朗的核武器企图

    10-05-04 Iran's nuclear ambitions are putting the world at risk, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned. 美国国务亲希拉里克林顿警告道,伊朗的核武器野心将使世界处于危险之中。 She told delegates(代表) at a nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT不扩...

  • 伊朗总统访问津巴布韦 引发津领导人内部争执

    10-04-23 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in Zimbabwe, despite protests by the MDC party of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. 尽管受到津巴布韦首相茨万吉拉伊所在的民主变革联盟的反对,伊朗总统内贾德已抵达津巴布韦。 Both Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (lef...

  • 核安全峰会落幕 签署公报及工作计划

    10-04-17 为期两天的核安全峰会于当地时间本周二在美国首都华盛顿落幕,与会的47国领导人共同签署了公报及工作计划,呼吁国际社会在4年内确保所有易流失核材料的安全。 The leaders of the international delegations pose for a group photo at the Nuclear Security Summit 20...

  • 核安全峰会:未来四年之内严密保护核原料

    10-04-14 The leaders of almost 50 countries have pledged to secure all vulnerable nuclear material within four years. 核安全峰会上,将近50个国家的领导人承诺,在未来四年之内严密保护核原料。 US President Barack Obama said the joint action(联合行动) plan agre...

  • 核安全峰会:防止核武器落入恐怖分子之手

    10-04-13 World leaders at a summit on nuclear security in Washington have heard dire warnings of the danger of nuclear material falling into the wrong hands. 华盛顿参加核安全峰会的世界领导人了解到,核材料如果落入坏人手中,后果将是多么危险。 The US and Russia...

  • 奥巴马提醒警惕核恐怖活动

    10-04-12 President Barack Obama has said the biggest threat to US security is the possibility of a terrorist organisation obtaining a nuclear weapon. 奥巴马总统称,如果恐怖组织得到核武器,这将是对美国安全的最大威胁。 Speaking on the eve of a nuclear security...

  • 以色列总理退出美国核安全峰会

    10-04-09 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled a visit to the US where he was to attend a summit on nuclear security, Israeli officials say. 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡取消参加美国举行的核安全峰会。 Israel has never confirmed or denied that it possesses atomi...