10-09-14 Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been sworn into office, making her the first woman elected to the post in the nation's history. 澳大利亚总理茱莉亚吉拉德已宣誓就职,是该国历史上第一位通过竞选产生的女首相。 Ms Gillard heads a minority gov...
10-09-12 Thats why were trying to make it easier for workers to save for retirement and fighting the efforts of some in the other party to privatize Social Security -- because as long as Im President, no one is going to take the retirement savings of a gener...
10-09-08 More than one million French workers have taken to the streets to protest against austerity measures planned by President Nicolas Sarkozy's government. 超过一百万法国工人走上街头抗议萨科奇政府推行的紧缩措施。 The rallies came as a 24-hour national s...
10-09-08 Mozambique says it will reverse the increase in the price of bread that sparked deadly riots last week. 莫桑比克政府称,将降低面包的售价。上周莫桑比克因高物价爆发了致命的暴动。 The announcement of the change in policy came from the planning minister...
10-09-07 South African trade unions have suspended a strike which has paralysed schools and hospitals for the past 20 days. 南非工会停止了一场持续30天的罢工,这次罢工使南非学校和医院造成瘫痪。 The unions have called a halt to the strike to allow them to cons...
10-09-05 蒙古国政府12位部长级官员上周五齐聚在南戈壁省一处被沙漠覆盖的山谷中参加内阁会议,讨论全球气候变化对蒙古国带来的影响。在一个小时的会议中,官员们讨论了全球变暖对蒙古国产生的影响,希望此举能够引起全世界各国对气候变化的关注。 A Cabinet meeting aimed at d...
10-09-01 The South African government has increased its wage offer to more than a million striking public sector workers. 南非政府同意一百多万名举行罢工的国营部门职工提出的加薪要求。 With teachers and nurses on strike, schools and hospitals have been in disa...
10-08-31 Computer giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) has agreed to pay $55m (35.5m) to settle claims it paid kickbacks in relation to US government contracts. 计算机巨头惠普公司同意支付5500万美元以解决美国政府采购合同中的回扣丑闻。 Hewlett-Packard was accused of def...
10-08-28 The British government has declared war on the profusion of unnecessary road traffic signs, railings and advertising boards, saying they blight towns' English character. 日前,英国政府呼吁拆除过多的路标、栏杆和广告牌,称这些街道设施破坏了英国城镇的...
10-08-24 Two Spanish aid workers kidnapped nine months ago by al-Qaeda's North African offshoot have been released in Mali. 9个月之前被基地组织北非分支劫持的两名西班牙救援人员日前已在马里被释放。 Pascual (left) and Vilalta had been held for almost nine month...