10-03-21 Thousands of anti-government protesters in Thailand have boarded motorcycles and trucks for a mass rally in Bangkok in the latest stage of their campaign. 泰国数以千计的反政府抗议者搭乘摩托车、卡车在曼谷进行大规模集会以延续其发起的红衫运动。 Thousan...
10-03-21 A senior commander of the Somali Islamist group, al-Shabab, has been shot dead at close range as he left a mosque in the city of Kismayo. 索马里伊斯兰教组织沙巴布一位高级指挥官被近距离射杀,据悉当时他正要离开基斯马尤城一座清真寺。 Al-Shabab has been...
10-03-15 Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has appeared on national TV to reject a demand from demonstrators that he quit by midday and call elections. 泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦在国家电视台上发表讲话,拒绝示威者提出的退位以及举行选举的要求。 PM Abhisit has...
10-03-12 Virgin Media has started trials to deliver fibre-optic high-speed broadband over telegraph poles. 维珍传媒已开始试验使用电线杆架设高速光纤宽带。 The trial will last for six months The firm believes it could be used to extend its reach to another one...
10-03-11 The US government recorded a budget deficit of $221bn (147.6bn) in February - the largest monthly deficit in its history. 美国政府二月份预算赤字达2210亿美元,这是历史上最高的月度赤字。 The US deficit in 2008 stood at $459bn The total deficit since t...
10-03-11 Former rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo who now serve in the army are running mafia-style extortion rackets in the mines, campaigners say. 刚果民主共和国正在服兵役的某些前叛乱分子采用黑手党的方式勒索矿藏。 Rebels from the CNDP were integra...
10-03-11 BEIJING - A senior Chinese lawmaker said on Wednesday that legislation requiring public officials to declare their personal assets is under consideration and seen as a move to prevent corruption and improve government transparency. 新华社消息,本周...
10-03-06 HEALTHCARE 医疗卫生 -- China will raise government subsidies on basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents and on the new type of rural cooperative medical care system to 120 yuan per person per year, up 50 percent over last year, and a...
10-03-06 Following are the highlights of Wen's Report on the Work of the Government. 以下是温家宝总理政府工作报告中的亮点解读。 Key words: Income distribution, 'Hukou' reform, Employment, Low-carbon, Housing prices 关键词:收入分配、户口改革、就业、低碳、房...
10-01-06 Iceland's president has refused to sign a controversial bill to repay $5bn (3.1bn) to the UK and the Netherlands. 冰岛总统拒绝签署关于向英国和荷兰赔偿50亿美元的广受争议的法案。 President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson said he would instead hold a referendum...