10-05-18 US President Barack Obama will set up a commission to investigate the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, officials say. 美国总统奥巴马将建立一个特别委员会,调查墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故。 They say the panel will also examine industry practices and the gove...
10-05-16 The White House Office of the First Lady For Immediate Release May 11, 2010 Remarks by the First Lady at Let's Move Action Plan Announcement with Cabinet Secretaries South Court Auditorium 10:40 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: Thanks, everyone, and thanks, Mel...
10-05-15 Britain's new coalition government is a source of some bewilderment in a country used to one-party governments -- but its two leaders seemed determined to see the funny side on Wednesday. 英国新组建的联合政府让这个已经习惯了一党揽政的国家感到有些迷...
10-05-11 Gordon Brown has announced he will step down as Labour leader by September - as his party opens formal talks with the Lib Dems about forming a government. 在英国工党与自由民主党关于组建政府的正式会谈上,戈登布朗宣布退出工党的领导地位。 The PM's cont...
10-04-25 君君,臣臣,父父,子子。There is government, when the prince is prince, and the minister is minister; when the father is father, and the son is son. 举直错诸枉,能使枉者直。Employ the upright and put aside all the crooked;-- in this way the crooked...
10-04-24 担心电影《2012》中的情节会变成现实吗?美国一位商人最近为大家提供了一个逃离灾难的选择入住他们公司打造的地下城堡。据介绍,该公司计划在美国境内建造20处抗灾地下城堡,总共有4000个席位可出售。 The top view of an underground shelter. Vivos offers 4,000 spa...
10-04-18 An Italian couple who were being held hostage in the west African country of Mali by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been released. 在西非国家马里被塔利班劫持的一对意大利夫妇日期已被释放。 In December, AQIM published a picture purportedly of Mr...
10-04-15 Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has asked opposition parties to join his government if he wins landmark elections currently under way. 如果苏丹现任总统奥马尔巴希尔赢得正在进行的具有里程碑意义的总统选举,他将邀请反对派政党参与到政府之中。 Many oppo...
10-04-10 因海平面不断上升,印度洋岛国马尔代夫将在2100年面临陆沉,大批国民将可能无处安身。为了应对这一危机,马尔代夫政府于上月跟一家荷兰公司签约,打算建造一片海上家园,解决海平面上升后国民的安置问题。 This aerial picture taken on September 7, 2009 shows the a...
10-04-08 The opposition in Kyrgyzstan says it is setting up a people's government after deadly clashes left dozens dead. 吉尔吉斯斯坦发生致命暴力冲突,导致数十人死亡。反对派称,他们已建立一个人民的政府。 An opposition leader and former foreign minister, Roza...