• 比利时新政府宣告成立

    11-12-07 Belgium has sworn in a new government, ending a record-breaking 541 days of political deadlock. 比利时新政府宣布成立,结束了破记录的长达541天的政治僵局。 The swearing-in ceremony at the royal palace was televised live New Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo...

  • 比利时国王委任新内阁

    11-12-06 Belgium's King Albert II has appointed a new cabinet, ending a record-breaking year-and-a-half of political deadlock. 比利时国王艾伯特二世委任了新内阁成员,结束了为期一年半的政治僵局。 Elio Di Rupo will be the first Socialist to be Belgian PM since...

  • 波恩将举办阿富汗问题讨论大会

    11-12-05 A major international conference on Afghanistan's future is due to open in the German city of Bonn on Monday. 德国城市波恩周一将要举行一场决定阿富汗未来的国际会议。 It comes 10 years after a similar gathering held in the city, weeks after the Taliba...

  • 埃及军方任命Kamal为新总理

    11-11-25 Egypt's military rulers have appointed ex-Prime Minister Kamal Ganzouri to form a new government, state media say. 埃及国家媒体宣称,军事统治者委任前总理Kamal Ganzouri组建新政府。 The previous military-appointed civilian cabinet resigned earlier thi...

  • 利比亚将组建新内阁

    11-11-22 Libya is expected to announce the formation of a new cabinet, in a first step to forming an elected government. 利比亚将要组建新内阁,这是组建新政府的第一步。 Prime Minister-designate Abdurrahim al-Keib said all of Libya's regions would be represent...

  • 联合国要求叙利亚尊重人权

    11-11-18 Germany, France and the UK have tabled a UN resolution calling for an end to human rights violations in Syria. 德国、法国和英国提出一项联合国决议,号召叙利亚停止侵犯人权行为。 The resolution, which also calls for the implementation of an Arab League...

  • 科威特示威者占领议会

    11-11-17 Dozens of Kuwaiti protesters stormed parliament late on Wednesdaye. 本周三晚些时候,几十个科威特示威者席卷了议会。 The crowd occupied parliament's main chamber before leaving Eyewitnesses said they were demanding that Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser al...

  • 利比亚爆发派系之战 7人死亡

    11-11-15 Several days of fighting between rival factions near the Libyan coastal city of Zawiya have left at least seven people dead, reports say. 报道称,几天来利比亚两个敌对派系在海滨城市扎维亚发生了冲突,造成至少7人死亡。 Fighters from Zawiya clashed with...

  • 意大利新总理马里奥·蒙蒂上任

    11-11-15 Italy's newly-appointed prime minister is preparing to meet representatives of the two largest political parties as he seeks to support for a new government. 意大利新任总理将会见两大政治党派的代表以寻求他们对于新政府的支持。 Mario Monti, a former EU...

  • 意大利将决议财政紧缩政策

    11-11-11 The Italian senate votes on Friday on austerity measures. 意大利参议员将于周五就财政紧缩政策进行投票。 The measures are also likely to be approved by the lower house at the weekend, paving the way for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to resign. A te...