• 超声波检查能预测心脏病发作

    11-07-13 An ultrasound test can tell if people with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and heart disease are at risk of heart attack or death, according to new research reported in Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, an American Heart Association journa...

  • 主动自我防御是对付网络攻击的最好方法

    11-06-28 With the threats of cybercrime, cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare looming over our hyper-connected world, the best defense for the U.S. might be a good offense, says new research by a University of Illinois expert in technology and legal issues. Law p...

  • 尼日利亚警察总局遭炸弹袭击

    11-06-17 Two people, including a bomber, have died in an explosion at Nigeria's police headquarters in the capital, Abuja, the police say. 尼日利亚警方称,位于首都阿布贾的警察总局发生爆炸事故,包括一名人体炸弹在内共有两人死亡。 Police spokesman Olusola Amore...

  • 国际货币基金组织遭到黑客攻击

    11-06-12 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has been targeted by a sophisticated cyber attack. 国际货币基金组织称其遭受了一场复杂的网络袭击。 Officials at the fund gave few details but said the attack earlier this year had been a very major breach...

  • 尼日利亚多座警察局遭到攻击

    11-06-08 At least five people have been killed after police stations were attacked in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, hospital sources say. 医院来源消息称,尼日利亚北部城市迈杜古里多出警察局遭到攻击,使至少5人被杀。 The BBC's Bilkisu Babangida in th...

  • 美国洛克希德马丁公司遭网络攻击

    11-05-30 US defence firm Lockheed Martin says it has come under a significant cyber-attack, which took place last week. 美国防御公司洛克希德马丁称在上周遭受一次严重的网络攻击。 Few details were available, but Lockheed said its security team had detected the...

  • 北约对利比亚发动猛烈空袭

    11-05-24 Nato planes have launched a series of air attacks on Libya's capital Tripoli, with correspondents saying they may be the largest so far of the campaign. 北约飞机已对利比亚首都的黎波里实行一系列空袭,通讯员称这是目前为止此次军事行动中最大的一次袭击。...

  • 北约空袭击中卡扎菲八艘军舰

    11-05-20 Nato air strikes have hit eight warships belonging to Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces in co-ordinated raids on Tripoli, Al Khums and Sirte. 北约同时对的黎波里、胡姆斯和苏尔特发动空袭,此次袭击击中八艘属于卡扎菲的军舰。 Nato said all the ships hit were...

  • 埃及天然气管道发生爆炸

    11-04-27 A pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan running through Egypt's North Sinai has exploded after an attack by an armed gang. 埃及北部西奈地区一条输油管道被一个武装团伙袭击并发生爆炸,该管道负责向以色列和约旦输送天然气。 A tower of flam...

  • 足球词汇7

    11-04-11 快攻;快速突破:fast break [counterattack] 防守反击:switch from defense to attack; counterattack; push up 快速反击:fast-switching attack; runback 沉底:drive down the sideline 靠近对方球门线:deep 钳形攻势:pincers movement 摆脱动作:evasive moveme...