• 三名沙特游客在尼日尔遇袭身亡

    09-12-29 Three Saudi tourists have been killed and three others injured after they were attacked by unidentified gunmen in Niger, officials there say. 尼日尔发生不明身份持枪歹徒袭击游客事件,三名沙特游客被杀、另有三人受伤。 The Saudis were travelling by car...

  • 卡拉奇什叶派穆斯林游行遭炸弹袭击

    09-12-29 At least 30 people have been killed and dozens injured in a suicide bombing on a Shia Muslim march in the Pakistani city of Karachi, officials say. 巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇发生自杀式炸弹袭击什叶派穆斯林事件,至少30人丧生、数十人受伤。 The attacker had bee...

  • 伊拉克连环炸弹袭击,23人丧生

    09-12-25 A series of bomb attacks has killed at least 23 people in Iraq. 伊拉克发生一系列炸弹袭击,至少23人丧生。 The latest attacks, which appeared to target Shia Muslims, saw eight people killed in predominately占优势地,有影响地 Shia areas of the capital...

  • 利用数学模型预测叛乱袭击情况

    09-12-18 When bombs and bullets left 37 dead during Friday prayers at a mosque清真寺 in Pakistan, earlier this month, the insurgency叛乱,暴动 was using the element of surprise. Unpredictability不可预见性 is the hallmark品质证明,特点 of modern insurgent att...

  • 菲律宾某监狱发生劫狱、越狱事件

    09-12-14 A group of suspected Islamic militants have attacked a jail in the southern Philippines, freeing at least 31 prisoners, prison officials say. 菲律宾狱警称,一群穆斯林武装嫌疑分子攻击了南部一座监狱,致使至少31人越狱。 The jail in Isabela city where t...

  • 欧盟反海盗舰队将扩大巡逻范围

    09-12-11 The British admiral in charge of the EU flotilla carrying out anti-piracy patrols off Somalia is considering extending the area which they patrol. 由英国海军上将主管、在索马里海岸巡逻的欧盟反海盗舰队正在考虑扩大巡航海域。 Somali pirates have attacke...

  • 达尔富尔发生新袭击,两名卢旺达维和部队成员被杀

    09-12-07 Two more Rwandan peacekeepers have been killed and one injured in Sudan's Darfur region - the second deadly attack on the contingent in two days. 苏丹达尔富尔地区两名卢旺达维和部队成员被杀,一人受伤,这是两天以来发生的第二起致命袭击。 The soldiers w...

  • 伊拉克发生自杀式炸弹袭击

    09-12-04 A suicide bomber has killed a police chief and at least four others during an attack in the Iraqi town of Tikrit, police officials say. 伊拉克城市提克里特发生一起自杀式爆炸袭击事件,造成一名警察局长和其他四人死亡。 The target of the attack appeared...

  • 索马里自杀式袭击事件广受谴责

    09-12-04 There has been widespread condemnation of a suicide bomb attack in Somalia that killed at least 19 people, including four government ministers. 近日索马里一起自杀式炸弹袭击事件导致包括4名政府官员在内共19人丧生,该袭击遭到了广泛的谴责。 Officials bel...

  • 维基揭密披露部分911短信

    09-11-26 A website has published what it says are 573,000 intercepted pager messages sent during the 9/11 attacks in the United States. 一个网站公布,美国911恐怖袭击当天,系统截取了573000条寻呼信息。 The messages were said to be sent on 11 September 2001 Wik...