• 莫斯科将为地铁袭击死者举行葬礼

    10-04-01 Moscow is preparing to hold funerals for most of the 39 people killed by Monday's double suicide bombings on the city's Metro system. 莫斯科将为本周一两起地铁自杀式炸弹袭击中死亡的39位死者举行葬礼。 Russians have been holding impromptu vigils for th...

  • 普京总理要求尽快缉拿地铁爆炸案凶手

    10-03-31 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says investigators should view catching the organisers of Monday's suicide attacks as a matter of honour. 俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京称,相关调查人员应当把抓获星期一地铁自杀式爆炸袭击的策划者当成一项荣耀。 He said...

  • 墨西哥总统欲与美国共同打击毒品走私

    10-03-17 Mexican President Felipe Calderon has called for the United States to share responsibility in the battle against drug traffickers in the two countries. 墨西哥总统费利佩卡尔德龙呼吁美国肩负起共同解决两国之间毒品走私问题的责任。 Crowds turned out to p...

  • 对恐怖分子使用水刑 美高级顾问表示“满意”

    10-03-12 A senior adviser to former US President George W Bush has defended tough interrogation techniques, saying their use helped prevent terrorist attacks. 美国前总统布什的一位高级顾问为冷酷的审讯方式进行辩护,称这样做阻止了恐怖分子袭击。 In a BBC intervi...

  • 尼日利亚军方“不理会乔斯城的大屠杀警告”

    10-03-10 The governor of Nigeria's Plateau state has accused military commanders of ignoring warnings of an attack on Sunday near the city of Jos. 尼日利亚高原州政府指责军方指挥官忽略了星期天乔斯城附近的袭击警告。 Those who died were reported to be mainly wo...

  • 军情五处前首脑:美国故意“掩盖虐囚行为”

    10-03-10 The former head of MI5 has claimed US intelligence agencies concealed their mistreatment of terror suspects. 英国军情五处前首脑宣称,美国情报机构故意掩盖他们虐待恐怖主义嫌疑犯的行为。 Baroness Mannigham-Buller spoke at a lecture in the House of Lord...

  • 某阿富汗男子承认密谋炸毁纽约地铁

    10-02-23 An Afghan-born Colorado airport bus driver has pleaded guilty to plotting to blow up New York's subway system. 科罗拉多州一位阿富汗出生的机场巴士司机承认自己密谋炸毁纽约地铁系统。 Najibullah Zazi faces life in prison without parole Najibullah Zazi t...

  • 澳总理称国家处于恐怖袭击威胁之中

    10-02-23 Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned that his country is now under a permanent and increased threat of militant attack. 澳大利亚总理凯文拉德向国民发出警告,澳大利亚正处于受到永久的、不断增强的激进式袭击威胁之中。 The latest case resulted...

  • 德国某学校遭袭击,一名教师遇害

    10-02-19 An assailant has killed a teacher at a school in the western German city of Ludwigshafen, police say. 德国西部城市路德维希港一所学校受到袭击,袭击者杀死了一位教师。 Police have evacuated(疏散,撤出) the school and arrested a 23-year-old suspect, G...

  • 美国德州某飞行员空袭税务局

    10-02-19 The pilot of a plane which crashed into an office block in Austin, Texas left a note expressing his anger at federal tax authorities, police say. 美国德克萨斯州警方称,奥斯丁城一位飞行员驾驶着飞机撞到一座办公大楼,以此表示对联邦税务机构的愤怒。 Twis...