• 孟买恐怖袭击:一周年纪念

    09-11-26 Ceremonies are being held in Mumbai to mark the first anniversary of a series of devastating attacks on the Indian city by militants. 孟买举行各种仪式,标示去年由好战者策划的破坏性袭击事件。 A security guard at the Trident hotel pays his respects A...

  • 海盗袭击某油轮,杀死一名水手

    09-11-25 Pirates have attacked an oil tanker off the coast of west Africa, killing a Ukrainian seaman, the commander of Benin's naval forces says. 贝宁海军司令官称,一艘油轮在西非海岸遭海盗袭击,一名乌克兰水手遇害。 Cdr Fernand Maxime Ahoyo says the Cancale...

  • 安哥拉境内中国侨民遭“黑手党式”暴力袭击

    09-11-14 The Chinese embassy in Angola has advised its nationals not to go out alone at night after a spate of violent attacks on Chinese expatriates. 中国驻安哥拉大使馆劝告侨民晚上不要单独外出,此前中国侨民曾遭遇几起严重的暴力袭击。 Tens of thousands of Chi...

  • “双子塔”战舰抵达纽约

    09-11-03 A warship built with steel salvaged from the World Trade Center has arrived in New York City. 从世贸中心废墟中挖掘出来的钢材制造的战舰抵达纽约。 The USS New York sailed up the Hudson River to near Ground Zero, where it fired a 21-gun salute(廿一响...

  • 一名以色列恐怖主义移居者被逮捕

    09-11-02 Israeli police have arrested a Jewish settler whom they say has confessed to a string of high-profile hate attacks. 以色列警方逮捕了一名犹太移居者嫌疑犯,据悉该疑犯承认与一系列仇恨袭击有关。 Yaakov Teitel's lawyer said his client was mentally distur...

  • 白沙瓦发生汽车炸弹袭击事件

    09-10-29 At least 91 people have been killed after a huge car bomb ripped through a busy market in Peshawar, Pakistan. 巴基斯坦白沙瓦地区一辆自杀式爆炸汽车冲进繁忙的集市,造成至少91人丧生。 The attack, which injured at least 200 others, was the deadliest to...

  • 女人心脏病发作症状与男人相同

    09-10-26 It is a myth that women have different heart attack symptoms from men, according to Canadian researchers. 加拿大研究人员称,女人心脏病发作的症状与男人不一样的说法纯属神话。 The classic symptoms of a heart attack are equally common in men and women A...

  • 伊朗指责巴基斯坦特工恐怖行动

    09-10-19 Iran's president has accused Pakistani agents of involvement in a suicide bombing in south-east Iran targeting a group of elite Revolutionary Guards. 伊朗总统指责巴基斯坦特工参与了伊朗东南部针对一对精英革命部队的自杀式炸弹袭击。 Iran's Revolutionary...

  • Lewis speaks of shock over attack Lewis对被袭击表示震惊

    09-10-16 Leona Lewis has spoken of her horrible shock after an alleged assault at a book signing in London on Wednesday. Leona Lewis对于本周三在伦敦的新书签售会上遭到袭击表示可怕的震惊。 In a statement she said it had left her extremely hurt and upset and al...

  • Pakistan rocked by fresh attacks 巴基斯坦遭受一系列恐怖袭击

    09-10-16 A series of gun and bomb attacks on security forces in Pakistan has killed about 40 people. 巴基斯坦安全保卫部队遭受一系列枪击、炸弹袭击,造成大约40人死亡。 In Lahore, police and militants fought gun battles at a federal security building and two po...