• 雅加达开庭审理宾馆爆炸案

    10-02-10 The trial has begun of a man who is alleged to have assisted in the twin suicide hotel bomb attacks in Jakarta on 17 July 2009. 庭审由对一名男子的审理开始,该男子涉嫌协助发动2009年7月17日发生的两起宾馆炸弹袭击。 The hotels are in Jakarta's central b...

  • 以色列训斥高级军官授权对联合国建筑的袭击

    10-02-02 Israel has revealed it has reprimanded two top army officers for authorising an artillery attack which hit a UN compound in Gaza last year. 以色列政府透露,就去年一座联合国建筑物遭火炮袭击事件训斥了两位高级军官对此次袭击的授权行为。 In the attack on...

  • 本·拉登警告奥巴马 将会发动更多袭击

    10-01-25 A tape said to be from al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has warned US President Barack Obama there will be more attacks if the US continues to support Israel. 据传,基地组织头目奥萨马本拉登放出一盘录音,警告奥巴马总统,如果美国继续支持以色列,将会发...

  • 巴基斯坦美国无人机袭击 15人死亡

    10-01-18 A missile attack by a US drone aircraft has killed at least 15 people in north-west Pakistan, officials say. 美国一艘无人战机在巴基斯坦西北部进行导弹袭击,造成至少15人死亡。 US drone attacks are being stepped up along the Afghan-Pakistan border Four...

  • 贝卢斯科尼伤愈“复出”

    10-01-16 Premier Silvio Berlusconi returned to a busy political schedule Monday after a monthlong recovery from an attack that broke his nose and two teeth. 本周一,意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼在受伤休养一个月后重返忙碌的政治日程。老贝在之前的一次遇袭事件中...

  • 阿富汗六名外国士兵被杀

    10-01-12 Six international soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, Nato officials say, making Monday the deadliest day for foreign troops there in two months. 北约官员称,六名多国士兵在阿富汗被杀,使星期一成为近两月以来外国军队死亡最多的一天。 The US is du...

  • 安哥拉逮捕多哥足球队袭击者

    10-01-12 Angolan authorities have arrested two people over a deadly attack on Togo's football team at the Africa Cup of Nations tournament, state media say. 安哥拉国家媒体称,当局已逮捕非洲国家联赛上对多哥足球队造成致命袭击的两名嫌疑犯。 Angola has tightened...

  • 美国提醒苏丹-乌干达航班防止袭击

    10-01-11 The US embassy in the Sudanese capital Khartoum has warned of a possible attack on Air Uganda planes. 苏丹首都喀土穆的美国大使馆警告美国侨民,与乌干达之间的班机可能会遭到袭击。 The US said regional extremists could target the flights The embassy sai...

  • 奥巴马就飞机爆炸案批评情报机关

    10-01-08 US President Barack Obama has ordered a strengthening of the US terrorist watch lists, saying the US system failed over the attempted Detroit plane attack. 美国总统奥巴马下令增强对美国恐怖分子名单的监测,批评美国的情报机关没有能够有效阻止底特律飞机...

  • 阿富汗CIA自杀式袭击者“愚弄了自己的家人”

    10-01-06 The Jordanian suicide bomber who carried out the worst attack against the CIA in decades in Afghanistan tricked his family, the BBC has learnt. BBC了解到,在阿富汗对CIA造成几十年以来最大袭击的约旦自杀式袭击者欺骗了他的家人。 The suicide bombing was...