• to feel off 感觉不舒服

    21-04-12 搭配 to feel off 在口语中表示一个人 状态不佳 或 感觉不大舒服。它既可以用来谈论身体状态,也可以用来谈论精神状态。 例句 Fang feels off today and cant come to work. She is going to work from home. 芳今天不大舒服,不能来办公室上班。她打算在家工作。 I at...

  • as sick as a dog 病得很严重

    21-04-12 在英语口语中,固定搭配 as sick as a dog 通常用来形容一个人因为吃坏了肚子而在一段时间内 身体很不舒服,病得很严重。在描述吃坏肚子的上下文中,as sick as a dog 也可以指一个人 呕吐得很厉害。它可以和动词 be 或 feel 搭配使用,即 to be as sick as a dog 和 t...

  • get your head down 集中全部精力;躺下睡觉

    21-04-11 如果你 get your head down(把你的头低下来),意思就是 你把全部的精力集中在一项特定的任务上,全力以赴。Get your head down 也可以表示 躺下睡觉。 例句 I need to get my head down and finish my homework I have got so much to do. 我得全力以赴,完成作业。...

  • mother Nature 大自然,自然界

    21-04-11 短语 Mother Nature 的意思是 大自然,自然界,它用来描述 自然界影响世间芸芸众生的力量。 例句 Mother Nature hasnt been kind to us days of rain have led to catastrophic flooding. 大自然近来对我们不太友善,连日的降雨导致了灾难性的洪水。 Thank Mother Natu...

  • watch the clock 看时间等下班

    21-04-11 短语 watch the clock 的意思是 因感到无聊、想要或需要做其它事情而频繁地查看时钟或手表上的时间。你可以用名词 clock-watcher 指 总是掐着点下班或休息的人。 例句 I had to watch the clock because I needed to leave work on time. I had a train to catch. 我不...

  • forget all about eating and sleeping 废寝忘食

    21-04-11 废寝忘食,汉语成语,字面意思是顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容非常勤奋专心。可以翻译为(be so absorbed and occupied as to)forget all about eating and sleeping或skip ones meals and sleep。 例句: 废寝忘食地工作 Devote oneself heart and soul to ones work...

  • 轮滑运动再度流行

    21-03-25 From total beginners, to making a career out of it. 从完全的轮滑初学者,到以它为职业。 The challenge, the joy and the frustration: as plotted on social media by newly qualified doctor and new skater, Kelsey Loveday. 这一过程充满了挑战、喜悦与挫折,...

  • archeological discoveries 考古发现

    21-03-24 国家文物局3月20日在成都宣布,考古人员在四川省三星堆遗址新发现6座祭祀坑,目前已出土文物500余件,距今约3000年。 Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3,000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins...

  • 如何控制怒气

    21-03-23 Do you often get angry? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Bad traffic, disagreements with people and other occurrences can potentially be a nuisance. But can you control your temper or do you bristle with rage every time someone crosses you?...

  • 西班牙计划试点每周4天工作制

    21-03-20 疫情期间许多国家都面临失业率高的问题,在这个时候,西班牙政党计划推出一周4天工作制的试点项目,缩短工时却不降薪,一方面希望可以提高劳动效率,帮助人们平衡工作和生活,另一方面也希望有利于解决失业问题。 For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have a...