• 中国科学家曹原入选《自然》2018年度十大人物

    18-12-20 British science journal Nature has ranked a young Chinese scientist among its top-10 people for 2018. 英国科学杂志《自然》将一位年轻的中国科学家列入2018年度十大人物。 The scientist received the award for his work on how the properties of two-layer g...

  • 英国政府将改善劳工权利

    18-12-18 The British government on Monday set out new legislation to upgrade workers rights -- the biggest package of workplace reforms in two decades. 英国政府周一制定新法规提高工人权利这是未来20年来最大的一揽子劳工改革方案。 The aim is to ensure that the U...

  • 习近平参观英德电子商务产业园

    18-10-24 Chinese President Xi Jinping visited an e-commerce industrial park in Yingde, south Chinas Guangdong Province on Tuesday to better understand how the sector helps targeted poverty alleviation work. 本周二,中国国家主席习近平参观了广东英德电子商务产...

  • 中科院提议2030年周工作日4天

    18-07-16 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has proposed a four-day, 36-hour work week for employees in China, to be implemented by 2030, reports guancha.cn. 观察者网报道,中科院提议2030年前国内的员工每周工作4天、36小时。 A report published by the academ...

  • 开放式办公室并不能增进合作

    18-07-14 For the first time, scientists have measured what actually happens with face-to-face interactions when employees start to work at an open-plan office - and their results show these modern workspaces are not as collaborative as youd think. 在开放式办...

  • 成都求职者人数全国第三

    18-06-04 New analysis by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and the Center for China and Globalization suggests Sichuans capital, Chengdu, has become the third most popular city in China among young people looking for work, behind only Beijing...

  • busman's holiday 工作假日

    18-05-05 Busmans holiday refers to a holiday that you spend doing the same kind of thing that you usually do for your job. 工作假日指的是照常工作的休假日。 If you have a holiday, but spend it doing something similar to your usual work, you can refer to it as...

  • 王毅:中新应联合抵制贸易保护主义

    18-04-09 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Singaporean counterpart Vivian Balakrishnan Sunday in Beijing. 中国国务委员、外交部长王毅周日在北京会见新加坡外长维文巴拉科瑞斯南。 The two sides should work together against protecti...

  • 七个办法最大程度消除眼疲劳

    18-03-24 Get regular eye tests If you work on a computer every day, experts recommend having a comprehensive eye exam every year to detect problems before they develop. During this test, you should tell the doctor how often you use your phone and your comput...

  • 摒弃加班文化 首尔将强制关电脑

    18-03-24 The government in South Koreas capital is introducing a new initiative to force its employees to leave work on time - by powering down all their computers at 20:00 on Fridays. 韩国首尔市政府将实行新举措,每周五晚8点切断办公电脑的电源,强制政府工作人...