• 研究发现:想致富 靠运气

    18-03-17 If youre wondering why your peers seem to be prospering way more than you are, it might not be because theyre better at their jobs: its probably just down to random chance, according to a new computer model of wealth simulation. 如果你奇怪你的同龄人...

  • 《射雕英雄传》第一卷英译本问世

    18-02-23 A Hero Born, the first volume of famous Chinese martial arts novelist Jin Yongs Legends of the Condor Heroes, was on Thursday published in English for the first time. 中国武侠小说家金庸的《射雕英雄传》第一卷《英雄诞生》英译本周四首次出版。 British p...

  • 外籍家庭佣人在北京将合法

    18-02-22 Beijing Municipality is considering allowing foreign professionals to bring their own domestic servants to work in Beijing this year, authorities said Wednesday. 北京市政府周三表示,今年起将允许外国专家带着保姆在北京一起工作。 Beijing municipal comm...

  • 伦敦市机场因二战哑弹关闭

    18-02-13 London City Airport closed on Monday after a 500-kilogramme World War II-era bomb was found at a neigbouring dock. 伦敦市机场周一关闭,因附近的码头上发现一颗二战时期重500公斤的哑弹。 Police said the bomb was discovered on Sunday at the George V Dock...

  • 习近平前往汶川映秀考察

    18-02-13 Chinese President Xi Jinping Monday visited Yingxiu Town of Wenchuan County. 中国国家主席习近平周一前往汶川县映秀镇考察。 Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited the ruins of a middle school, where he la...

  • 新加坡总理与中国国防部长举行会晤

    18-02-08 Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has held a meeting with visiting Chinese Defense Minister and State Councilor Chang Wanquan. 新加坡总理李显龙与在访的中国国防部长国务委员常万全进行了会晤。 Lee told Chang that Singapore attaches importance to...

  • 向同事表达欣赏、感谢和鼓励时用的句子

    18-02-03 Appreciation: 1. Having you on this team makes a huge difference. 2. The work you did to improve our customer ratings was fantastic! 3. Its inspiring to see how you always help new employees get up to speed. 4. The way you handled last weeks crisis...

  • 梅丽尔-斯特里普将加盟《大小谎言》第2季

    18-02-03 Back in the 70s, budding actress Meryl Streep played a woman ill-treated by the Nazis in TV miniseries Holocaust. 上世纪70年代,新生代女演员梅丽尔-斯特里普在电视连续短剧《大屠杀》中出演了一位被纳粹虐待的女性。 Four decades on, the star of The Post a...

  • 孩子不玩耍将缺乏工作技能

    18-01-24 Children will lack the work skills they need in the future because they are not spending enough time playing, a Lego executive has warned. 乐高的一名高管日前警告说:如果孩子没有充足的时间玩耍,他们将缺乏未来所需的工作技能。 John Goodwin, head of Leg...

  • runcommute 跑步通勤

    17-12-10 Runcommute refers to a run between ones home and workplace. 跑步通勤指的是跑步从家前往办公场所。 With lives getting busier and busier, many runners have found that running to or from work is a really efficient way to get in the miles, as well as bei...