• 英国女性每天个人专属时间只有30分钟

    11-11-05 It's no wonder when 75 percent of Brits work 12 hour days - with 31 percent admitting to 30 minutes 'me-time' on an average day, a survey revealed. 调查发现,75%的英国女性每天工作12个小时,难怪31%的人平均每天只有30分钟的个人专属时间。 Their lives ar...

  • 印度男女比例失衡 兄弟“共妻”现象严重

    11-10-30 When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives. 若...

  • 女性面孔影响生孩子的数量

    11-10-30 Chaps, if youre wondering whether the lady of your dreams wants a big family, the answer could be staring you in the face. 伙计们,如果你想知道你的心上人是否想多要孩子,答案可能就写在脸上。 Women with feminine looks are more likely to long for lots...

  • 1/3女性更喜欢跟闺蜜一起打发时间

    11-10-29 Researchers who interviewed 3,000 women found that many would rather spend the day with a friend than be with their other half. 调查者采访了3000名女性后发现,许多女性宁愿和一位朋友而不是另一半共度一天。 Six out of ten said they prefer to go shopping...

  • 研究:有压力的女性更可能生女孩

    11-10-29 Women who are stressed while trying for a baby are more likely to have girls, research suggests. 研究表明,在试图怀孕期间感到有压力的女性更可能生女孩。 A study found that those who were under pressure at home, work or in their love life in the weeks...

  • 某些口服避孕药可能引起血栓

    11-10-26 A study published online in the British Medical Journal confirms previous findings that certain oral contraceptive(口服避孕药) pills are more likely to cause serious blood clots (venous thromboembolism -- VTE静脉血栓栓塞 ) than others. The authors...

  • 成年时体重增加 患子宫内膜癌风险亦增加

    11-10-25 Postmenopausal(绝经后的) women who gained weight during adulthood had an increased risk for endometrial(子宫内膜的) cancer compared with women who maintained a stable weight, according to data from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention...

  • 研究:正常人不建议服用膳食补充剂

    11-10-16 Vitamins and other food supplements taken by millions of women may actually put them at more risk, according to a major study. 最新研究表明,数百万女性经常服用的维生素及膳食补充制剂很可能有害健康。 Scientists say there is little evidence the pills d...

  • 化妆浓淡影响人们对其可信赖性的判断

    11-10-16 As many women can testify, there's a fine line between pretty and scary when it comes to make-up. 化妆是漂亮还是吓人就在一线之间,这一点许多女人都能证实。 Now, scientists have shown that not only does the right amount of cosmetics(化妆品) make all...

  • 怀孕早期服用叶酸能降低婴儿语言迟缓风险

    11-10-12 Use of folic acid(叶酸) supplements by women in Norway in the period 4 weeks before to 8 weeks after conception was associated with a reduced risk of the child having severe language delay at age 3 years, according to a study in the October 12 iss...