• 女人出轨 隐藏手段更高明

    12-06-22 While the infidelities of famous love rat footballers fill the tabloid pages women are actually cheating more on their partners, but they are not getting found out. 尽管足球男明星偷腥的新闻时常在小报上出现,但其实出轨的女人更多,只是没被抓到罢了。 A...

  • 布莱尔夫人对全职妈妈提出批评

    12-06-22 英国前首相布莱尔的夫人切丽日前对因为丈夫的事业和孩子而放弃个人职业的全职妈妈们公开提出批评,称这样不利于培养孩子的独立性。 Cherie Blair has attacked yummy mummies who focus on raising their children at the expense of their careers, suggesting their...

  • 女性40岁后生的宝宝综合素质更强

    12-06-03 They might be harder to catch and no doubt leave their mothers more exhausted but children born to mums over 40 are healthier and brighter than those of younger women. 也许他们更难被怀上,无疑也会让他们的母亲更加精疲力竭,但是年过40的女性生出的小孩...

  • 越来越多女人掌管家中财政大权

    12-05-26 Men still make the most money in the average household, but it's women who control the purse strings. 如今在普通家庭中,男人仍然是主要的经济支柱,但女人却掌握着家中的财政大权。 While that's been acknowledged informally for some time in Canada, a new...

  • 美国离婚 女养男渐成趋势

    12-05-18 Tables have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to US lawyers. 美国律师称,如今美国的离婚案审判发生了重大转变,越来越多的女性付赡养费和子女抚养费给前夫,这是...

  • 人们视性感女人的照片为物体

    12-05-16 Perfume ads, beer billboards, movie posters: everywhere you look, women's sexualized bodies are on display. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that both men and women see ima...

  • 迷人乳沟使女性更性感自信

    12-04-07 对于英国三分之二的女性而言,低胸装让她们感觉更加性感和自信。据称,英国七分之一的女性凭借傲人的乳沟在职场上获得晋升,8%的受访英国女性透露,事业线还可以帮她们躲过违章停车罚款。 Brits are top of the game when it comes to using their cleavage(劈开,分...

  • 高个子女性更易患卵巢癌

    12-04-05 Taller women have a slightly higher risk of ovarian cancer, according to a review of studies. 研究显示,高个子女性患卵巢癌的可能性稍高。 Obesity is also a risk factor among women who have never taken HRT, say international researchers. Previous stud...

  • 当今女性分娩时间延长

    12-04-01 Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accoun...

  • 穿着性感的小女孩不太招人喜欢

    12-03-31 Preteen girls who dress in sexualized clothing are judged as less competent and less moral than kids in age-appropriate garb, new research finds. 新研究发现,那些穿性感衣服的十三岁以下的小女孩被认为在能力和品德上都不如那些穿适合自己年龄衣服的小孩。...