• football widow 足球寡妇

    11-05-24 The term football widow doesn't involve anyone's actual death. It is a term for those who have a relationship with a sports fan (often a follower of football, be it American football, soccer, rugby, Australian rules football, or other) who pays more...

  • It girl 物质女孩

    11-05-24 An It girl or It-girl is a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements. The reign of an It girl is usually temporary; some of the rising It girls will either become fully-fledg...

  • “姐弟恋”日趋流行

    11-05-21 Married women are increasingly likely to be older than their husbands, figures reveal. 数据显示,越来越多步入婚姻的女性年龄比丈夫大。 They show 26 per cent of brides have a younger groom, compared with 15 per cent in 1963. The trend is seen in the 2...

  • 职场母亲希望能有家庭帮手

    11-05-17 Working mothers want to earn a good salary, put a higher priority on getting some help around the house than at the office, and undervalue their work at home, surveys released on Tuesday showed. 本周二公布的最新调查显示,职场妈妈们想要赚得高薪水,更...

  • 多数英国女性厨艺不精

    11-05-15 One in six British women struggles to crack the art of cooking, a survey revealed today. More than half said their husband is a better cook. 今日发布的一项调查显示,六分之一的英国女性厨艺不精,超过半数的英国女性说她们的丈夫做饭比自己做得好。 The pol...

  • 肥胖的孕妇抵抗感染的能力较弱

    11-05-02 Pregnant women who are obese are less able to fight infections than lean women, which could affect their baby's health after birth and later in life, according to research to be presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annu...

  • 男性无名指长度影响对异形吸引力

    11-04-23 Forget witty chat-up lines and splashing on the aftershave. It appears the secret of a mans attractiveness to the opposite sex lies in his hands. 忘了那些风趣的搭讪和须后水吧,看来男人对异性吸引力的秘诀在于他的手中。 Men whose ring fingers are longe...

  • 英国女性并不羡慕准王妃米德尔顿

    11-04-23 She may be pretty, wealthy and about to marry a prince, but an overwhelming majority of British women do not envy Kate Middleton, a survey showed on Wednesday. 凯特米德尔顿也许很美丽、很富有、而且即将嫁给威廉王子,但本周三公布的调查显示,绝大多数英...

  • 女性思维更开阔 男性更有决断力

    11-04-23 It will come as no surprise to any man who has waited for his wife to choose what to wear for a night out. 对于那些曾经因为妻子要挑选晚上出门穿的衣服而苦苦等待的男人来说,这一研究结果并不会让他们惊讶。 But scientists have now proved that women are t...

  • 癌症治疗方法如何选择

    11-04-21 Women who choose among different breast cancer treatment options make smarter choices when getting the information and making decisions in small doses rather than all at once, as is customary, a University of Michigan study found. It's long been kno...