• Manstration 男人月经

    11-07-10 Manstration refers to a monthly hormonal cycle for men. Some men get cranky and bitchy for no reason regularly, just like what women go through in their monthlies (known as menstruation). This is where the term manstration comes from. Manstration(...

  • 潘基文首届国际寡妇日致辞

    11-06-26 This first International Widows Day is an occasion to call attention to the many firsts that women must face when their husbands die. In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social saf...

  • X世代女性大多没有子女

    11-06-25 Almost half of a generation of university-educated women who put their career before a family are childless, a study has revealed. 一项研究揭示,受过大学教育、把事业看得比家庭重要的这一代女性中,近半数没有子女。 The women of Generation X were suppos...

  • 超半数男性先提出恋爱表白

    11-06-25 It may take them at least three months to get round to it but, contrary to popular perception, men are the first to say I love you. 也许这句话至少要三个月后才能说出口,但男人是先说我爱你这三个字的,和人们普遍认为的情况正相反。 However, their motives...

  • 米歇尔造访南非城镇索韦托

    11-06-23 US First Lady Michelle Obama has paid tribute to apartheid victims on a visit to South Africa's township of Soweto. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在访问南非城镇索韦托之时慰问种族隔离受害者。 She was speaking to young women from across Africa in a church t...

  • 胎传性梅毒检验能降低婴儿死亡率

    11-06-17 Hundreds of thousands of babies' lives could be saved each year if pregnant women were screened for syphilis, researchers say. 研究人员称,如果孕妇能接受梅毒检查,每年将有数十万婴儿的生命获拯救。 Syphilis is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria k...

  • 欧盟鼓励家庭女性实现就业

    11-06-11 The EU wants Europe's biggest economy to avoid looming labour shortages in future by dismantling barriers to women entering the workforce. 为避免在不久的未来出现劳动力短缺,欧盟希望欧洲经济大国排除女性就业障碍,让女性加入劳动大军。 'Germany must bet...

  • 想买合身牛仔裤 找3D身材扫描仪帮忙

    11-06-04 Finding the perfect pair of jeans usually requires patience, luck and several frustrating hours behind a changing room curtain. 买到非常合身的牛仔裤通常不仅需要耐心、运气,还需要在试衣间里苦战几小时。 The scanner, which is around 10ft tall and 5ft w...

  • 男性冲动购物花费高于女性

    11-05-24 Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed. 调查显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。 A study found that men regularly shell out an average of 25-a-week on items they bought on a whim(奇想,一时的兴致) , while wome...

  • auto-eating 机械进食

    11-05-24 Women can munch their way into a bigger dress size in weeks by auto-eating the calorie equivalent of a Big Mac a day.... 如果每天机械地吃进去相当于一个巨无霸汉堡那么多的热量,女人们的身材可以在几周内就加大一号。 Nutritionist Mary Strugar coined the...