• 1/4英国男性经常梦见前女友

    11-12-10 The battle against the green-eyed monster is hard enough at the best of times. Now though, jealous women have even more to worry about. A new study has revealed that one in four men regularly dream about their ex-girlfriends. 平日里风平浪静的时候和...

  • 美国单身男女纷寻节假日情侣

    11-12-03 到节假日,旧金山当地孤独但勇敢的单身男女们就纷纷在网站上刊登广告来征寻临时的约会对象,并开诚布公地列出需求和愿望。 It's one way of warding off(避开,挡住) a nosey mother's 'why haven't you got a boyfriend?' questions. Lonely but intrepid(勇敢的)...

  • 女性对性感女郎苛刻乃本性使然

    11-11-27 A new study of competition among women suggests that they are 'bitchy' towards each other because they are evolutionarily programmed to be that way. 一项有关女性竞争的最新研究表明,女性对彼此之间恶毒是进化使然。 Published by the journal, Aggressive...

  • 女性常假装性高潮防伴侣出轨

    11-11-26 Women will regularly fake orgasms to stop their men from cheating, a study has revealed. 最新研究显示,女性经常假装性高潮,以防伴侣出轨。 Regularly pretending to climax is just one strategy women use to ensure their partners stay faithful, according...

  • 美国单身女性自备戒指防“逼婚”

    11-11-26 There are roughly 55 million single women in the US, many of them with-it, smokin' and smart, with their finger on the pulse of life. But when that certain finger is ringless, even the most self-assured single dreads the shame and rebuke of disappoi...

  • 男性每天打扮时间比女性长

    11-11-26 Men spend more time getting ready to go out than women, according to research. 调查发现,男性出门前打扮的时间比女性更长。 On average men spend 81 minutes a day on personal grooming(修饰) , including cleansing, toning(化妆水) and moisturising, sh...

  • I Am Acting Like a Lady 我要表现得象位女士

    11-11-17 One day when women's dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. But he soon found himself being battered by frantic women. He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lower...

  • 子宫切除术易使女性更年期提前

    11-11-15 In a finding that confirms what many obstetricians(产科医师) and gynecologists(妇科医生) suspected, Duke University researchers report that younger women who undergo hysterectomies(子宫切除) face a nearly two-fold increased risk for developing...

  • 英国女性学历、薪职正赶超男性

    11-11-12 Women are overtaking men in education and in the workplace, a senior Government minister said yesterday creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers. 英国一位政府高级官员昨日透露,英国女性在受教育程度和职场上正在赶超男性,这将早就新一代全职爸爸...

  • Year-zero face 岁月无痕脸

    11-11-08 Year-zero face is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and the like. Year-zero face(岁月无痕脸)指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造出来的让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。 Though traditionally cosmetic surge...