• 沙特或将派女运动员参加伦敦奥运会

    12-03-31 沙特阿拉伯今年或将选派一名女运动员参加伦敦奥运会,如若属实,这将是该国首次派女将出征奥运。有望代表沙特的女运动员名为戴尔玛马尔哈斯,现年18岁,是一名女骑手。 Saudi Arabia, where sports events for women are banned, is considering sending a female athl...

  • 高龄产妇更容易得产后抑郁症

    12-03-26 Women who wait to have a baby until after they have established their career are more likely to suffer from post-natal depression, scientists say. 科学家称,那些等事业有成再要宝宝的女性更容易患产后抑郁症。 Older mothers are more likely to 'over-prep...

  • 5类化妆品需慎用

    12-03-24 Chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, and other hazardous ingredients are turning up in makeup, skin creams, and hair styling products. 《福布斯》杂志近日提醒,有些化妆品、护肤霜、美发产品中含有化学物质、重金属、细菌等危险成分。 Here, the latest and mo...

  • 越来越多女性收入不及丈夫 退出职场

    12-03-20 Susanna Mancini used to be successful as a lawyer and well paid for it. But her career eventually succumbed to her husband's even bigger success. She quit in 2005 when her six-digit income was overtaken by his seven-digit one. 苏珊娜曼西尼曾是一名成...

  • 闰年求婚对女性不利

    12-03-10 Leap year marriage proposals where, by custom, women are granted the once-in-four-years privilege of proposing to their beaus hold the promise of giving women real power in their relationships, but ultimately, they actually undermine women and reinf...

  • 西伯利亚女子监狱举办选美大赛

    12-03-10 俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的一座女子监狱近日举办了一次选美大赛,迎接三八国际妇女节,一位名叫玛利亚盖潘克的女犯摘得桂冠。 Inmates at a women's prison in Siberia have taken part in a beauty contest to mark International Women's Day. Inmates at a women's priso...

  • 2.29——女性表白日

    12-03-03 Feb. 29th is Leap Day and for centuries has been traditionally associated with the idea of romance reversal as women take to one knee to propose to their men. 2月29日四年一度的闰日,也是浪漫反转的女性表白日,女性可以在这一天向男性求婚。这个传统已经...

  • 女性身上有种“离婚基因”

    12-03-03 科学家新发现了女性身上的一种离婚基因,这种基因可能导致携带者的婚姻充满矛盾和摩擦。携带这种基因变体的妇女,很难与他人建立亲密关系而不太愿意走入婚姻殿堂。即使与他人结为夫妻,她们的婚姻出现摩擦和战争的概率也高达50%。 If a relationship is filled with ro...

  • 法国官方文件将禁弃用“小姐”称谓

    12-03-03 法国官方文件不再要求女性选择小姐或女士的称谓来透露她们的婚姻状态。今后,人们在填写政府文件时,只能选择女士或先生这两个称谓。 Official French documents will no longer force women to reveal their marital status(婚姻状态) by requiring them to choose...

  • GHOSTS 二十几岁重压白发族

    12-02-29 GHOSTS is abbreviation for the term Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings. Japanese research suggests that hair follicles are susceptible to the same sort of stresses that damage DNA. GHOSTS是Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings(二十几...