• 女性数量少会导致男性花钱散漫

    12-01-13 The perception(知觉) that women are scarce leads men to become impulsive, save less, and increase borrowing, according to new research from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management. What we see in other animals is that when femal...

  • 1月4日是英国全年“出轨日”

    12-01-08 Record numbers of men and women are on the lookout for secret affairs, as experts claim January 4th is the worst day of the year for infidelity. 英国专家近日表示,1月4日是英国全年的出轨日,寻找婚外情的男性和女性人数都创下纪录。 With the stress of Ch...

  • 霍金:思考女人耗时最多

    12-01-07 本月8号,伟大的物理学家史蒂芬霍金将迎来他70岁寿辰,为此他接受了《新科学家》杂志的采访,当被问到白天思考的最多的是什么时,霍金教授语出惊人:是女人,女人完全是个谜。 The biggest mystery in the universe perplexing(复杂的) one of the world's best know...

  • 办公室抛媚眼影响工作

    11-12-31 大多数女性在遭遇办公室色狼挑逗性的注视后,会感到不舒服。不仅如此,由于注意力被分散,还会影响她们的工作表现。 Being ogled(抛媚眼) by the office lothario(色狼) probably makes most women feel uncomfortable. Now, it seems, it might also affect their...

  • I wasn't asleep 我没有睡着

    11-12-20 When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged(用肘轻推) him and said: Wake up, sir! I wasn't asleep, the man answered. Not...

  • 20%美国女性曾遭遇强奸

    11-12-15 Nearly 20% of women in the US are raped or suffer attempted rape at some point in their lives, a US study says. 美国一项调查显示,美国将近20%的女性在她们生命中的某一刻曾遭到强奸或者强奸未遂。 Even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by...

  • 性趣:只需要一个微笑

    11-12-14 Does she or doesn't she . . .? Sexual cues are ambiguous, and confounding(混杂) . We -- especially men -- often read them wrong. A new study hypothesizes that the men who get it wrong might be the ones that evolution has favored. There are tons of...

  • 孕妇体重会影响胎儿体重

    11-12-14 A new study published in the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) reveals that both pre-pregnant weight (body mass index, BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy are important predictors of babies' birthweight. This is important si...

  • 性别与数学能力没有必然联系

    11-12-13 A major study of recent international data on school mathematics performance casts doubt on some common assumptions about gender and math achievement -- in particular, the idea that girls and women have less ability due to a difference in biology. W...

  • 2011年诺贝尔和平奖在奥斯陆颁发

    11-12-12 The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize has been presented to three women at a ceremony in the Norwegian capital, Oslo. 2011年诺贝尔和平奖在挪威首都奥斯陆颁发,三位女士荣获殊荣。 This year's award was won jointly by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the president of Liberi...