• 滨州断水11小时提高市民节水意识

    18-03-22 Authorities in Binzhou of east Chinas Shandong Province have announced plans to cut off water supply in the citys major urban communities for eleven hours on March 22, in a bid to raise public awareness of water conservation, reports the Beijing You...

  • 新疆指派285位“河长”保护塔里木河

    18-03-21 Northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has appointed 285 river chiefs to protect the valley of the Tarim River, Chinas longest inland river. 新疆维吾尔自治区委任285位河长保护塔里木河中最长的内陆河。 The group consists of two regional-, 19...

  • 《水形物语》今日上映

    18-03-16 Oscar-winning film The Shape of Water hit Chinese cinema screens Friday. 奥斯卡获奖影片《水形物语》本周五登录中国影院。 Directed by Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, the film is a story told in the form of a fairy tale, about a mute woman who fa...

  • 台湾发生6.5级地震 2人丧生

    18-02-07 Two people were killed and 219 were injured by 7:30 a.m. Wednesday after a 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan. 本周三早晨7点30分,一场6.5级地震袭击台湾,2人丧生、219人受伤。 According to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the earthquake j...

  • 瑞士新规:龙虾先击昏才能下水煮

    18-01-20 The Swiss government has ordered an end to the common culinary practice of throwing lobsters into boiling water while they are still alive, ruling that they must be knocked out before they are killed. 瑞士政府日前明令终止将龙虾活活扔进滚烫的开水里煮...

  • 中国将扩大水资源税试点范围

    17-11-29 The Chinese Ministry of Finance says the country will expand a water resource tax pilot program to more areas, in a bid to encourage water conservation. 中国财政部表示,将把水资源税收试点项目推广到更多地区。 The ministry says nine provincial regions...

  • 5条小窍门让你在切洋葱时不再流泪

    17-08-30 1. 切洋葱前先冷藏或冷冻 According to the Institute, putting onions in the fridge 30 minutes or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before chopping can prevent the stinging as the cold stops tear-jerking gas from being produced. 2. 将洋葱浸泡在水中 Anot...

  • 游泳时不要再涂防晒霜了

    17-07-22 Dont go swimming while wearing sunscreen - unless you want cancer. 除非你想得癌症,不然千万别涂着防晒霜去游泳! A compound used in the protective lotions turns toxic when it reacts with chlorine and ultraviolet rays, researchers found. Avobenzone is...

  • 一些可以直译的英语

    17-07-11 1. Blood is thicker than water. 是不是好直白的血浓于水!英文中文真就是一样的哟~ 2. Be able to do something in your sleep. 中文里可以对应我闭着眼睛也能。 例如:I havent done many portraits, but I could paint landscapes in my sleep. 我画的肖像画不多,...

  • 简单的科学公式计算你需要的饮水量

    17-07-03 From feeling less tired to clearing up spots, drinking enough water can cure all sorts of ills. 饮用足够的水能帮你缓解疲劳,还能祛斑,可谓包治百病。 But the majority of people simply dont drink enough of it. Medical research centre the Mayo Clinic i...