• 尼日尔执政团希望总统候选人具有学位资历

    10-05-25 Niger's military rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections. 尼日尔军事统治者建议,只有具备大学学位的人才有资格参加总统选举。 Mr Tandja, now in his 70s, was ousted in February by...

  • 美韩将举行联合海军演习

    10-05-25 The US has confirmed it will hold naval exercises with South Korea, after a report blamed the North for the sinking of a Southern warship, officials say. 美国官员称,美国将于韩国联合举行海军演习,此前一份报告曾指责朝鲜击沉韩国一艘战舰。 South Korea'...

  • 俄举行盛大阅兵 庆卫国战争胜利

    10-05-15 莫斯科时间5月9日上午10点(北京时间9日下午2点),俄罗斯在莫斯科红场举行盛大的阅兵式,庆祝卫国战争胜利65周年。这是俄罗斯近20年来参与人数最多、规模最大的红场阅兵仪式,此次阅兵式有多支外国军队参加,开创历史先河。 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speaks b...

  • 泰国军队将“包围红衫抗议者”

    10-05-13 The Thai military says security forces plan to surround a protest encampment in Bangkok with armoured vehicles. 泰国军方宣布,安全部队将采用装甲车辆包围曼谷一股红衫反抗者的营地。 The number of troops in Bangkok is said to have increased in recent da...

  • 阿根廷前军事领导面临谋杀指控

    10-05-04 The former Argentine military leader, Jorge Rafael Videla, has been charged with an additional 49 cases of kidnapping, torture and murder. 阿根廷前军事领导人豪尔赫拉斐尔魏地拉,因犯下另外49起案件被起诉绑架、滥刑和谋杀等罪名。 Jorge Videla seized pow...

  • X-37B军用航天飞机发射升空

    10-04-23 A prototype spaceplane developed for the US military has been launched into orbit from Florida. 一架美国军用航天飞机在佛罗里达州发射升空。 The project could lead to the military's first operational spaceplane The X-37B, which has been likened to a s...

  • 尼日利亚乔斯城持续出现报复性杀人事故

    10-04-22 The Nigerian military has exhumed seven fresh corpses from shallow graves near the city of Jos, in the latest apparent revenge killing. 尼日利亚军方在乔斯城附近几座浅坟之中挖出了七具新尸体,他们都是最近报复性杀人的受害者。 There are almost daily rep...

  • 卢旺达两名高级军官被停职逮捕

    10-04-21 Two high-ranking officers have been suspended from Rwanda's military and put under arrest, a military spokesperson told the BBC. 一位卢旺达军事发言人称,两位高级军官已被停职并逮捕。 President Kagame exercises tight control of the military Maj-Gen Ch...

  • 驻阿富汗美军将关闭快餐供应点

    10-04-10 Fast food joints where soldiers wolf down burgers and pizza will soon be a thing of the past at bases in Afghanistan, as the US military reminds soldiers they are at war and not in an amusement park. 在美军驻阿富汗军事基地,你再也看不到士兵们在快餐...

  • 韩国失事军舰船尾沉没位置被确定

    10-03-29 The South Korean military says it has located the stern of its warship that sank in mysterious circumstances on Friday following an explosion. 韩国军方称,他们已经确定上周五意外爆炸的军舰船尾的沉没位置。 South Korea has not given up all hope of find...