• 美国防部削减780亿军费预算

    11-01-07 US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has announced a $78bn (50.3bn) military budget cut, to be achieved in part by scrapping a $14bn amphibious vehicle. 美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨宣布780亿美元的军费预算削减计划,其中舍弃一项水陆两栖车辆采购就可节省140亿美...

  • 美国将允许同性恋参军

    10-12-26 美国国会近日通过议案,首次允许同性恋军人在军中公开性取向,兑现了总统奥巴马在竞选时许下的承诺。 The United States stood Sunday on the cusp(尖端,尖头) of letting gays serve openly in its military for the first time, as the US Congress sent Presiden...

  • 阿根廷前领导人豪尔赫·魏地拉被判终身监禁

    10-12-23 Former Argentine military ruler Jorge Videla has been sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. 阿根廷前军事统治者豪尔赫魏地拉因违反人道罪被判处终身监禁。 The judges ruled that Videla would serve his life sentence in a civilian prison...

  • 英法将共同研发核武器

    10-11-02 The UK and France are to sign a treaty agreeing to the joint development and testing of nuclear warheads. 英国与法国将要签署一项共同开发、试验核弹头的协议。 The two leaders will announce plans for French planes to use British refuelling aircraft The...

  • 美国军方接受同性恋入伍

    10-10-20 The US military has started accepting gay recruits after a California judge last week struck down the don't ask, don't tell policy barring openly gay people from serving. 美国军方已开始接受同性恋人员入伍,上周加利福尼亚州一位法官驳回了禁止同性恋人员...

  • 美国军方准备应对伊战维基泄密

    10-10-18 The US military has assembled a 120-member team to prepare for the expected publication of some 400,000 Iraq war documents on the Wikileaks website. 美国军方组织了一只120人的队伍来对抗维基泄密网站即将发表的大约40万伊拉克战争文献。 The documents are...

  • 印尼洪灾致使100多人死亡

    10-10-09 More than 100 people are now known to have died in flooding in the eastern Indonesian province of West Papua. 印度尼西亚东部新几内亚省爆发的洪灾已经导致100多人死亡。 Scores more are still missing in Teluk Wondama district after flash floods and land...

  • 朝鲜领导人之子被任命重要党内职位

    10-09-29 The youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has been appointed to two key party posts, in a move widely seen as part of a gradual transfer of power. 朝鲜领导人金正日最小的儿子被任命两项重要的党内职务,此举被广泛认定为逐渐转移权力举措的一部分...

  • 哥伦比亚军队杀死叛军顶级领导人

    10-09-24 One of the most senior leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) has been killed, say reports. 有报道称,哥伦比亚革命武装力量一位最重要的高级领导人被杀害。 Mono Jojoy was the senior military commander in the rebel group Jorge Bric...

  • 巴拉圭总统解除多名军队指挥官职务

    10-09-21 President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay has dismissed the heads of the army, navy and air force, as well as five other senior officers. 巴拉圭总统费尔南多卢戈解雇了陆军、海军和空军司令官,以及五名其他部门的高级官员。 It is the fourth time he has replace...