• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 7

    22-10-17 THE WAR was over in May. Two weeks before the government made the official announcement in a high-sounding proclamation, which promised merciless punishment for those who had started the rebellion, Colonel Aureliano Buenda fell prisoner just as he w...

  • 挪威现役军人在服完兵役后要交回内衣袜子清洗后重复使用

    22-01-21 据美联社报道,因新冠疫情冲击供应链,挪威军队出现制式内衣库存不足的问题。挪威要求现役军人在服完兵役后交回内衣,包括胸罩和袜子,以便清洗后给下一批入伍新兵重复使用。 Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after...

  • 英国概况人文知识 2

    21-10-05 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...

  • to go under the knife 意思是动手术

    21-08-23 所谓的 到刀子下面 to go under the knife 意思是动手术,接受手术治疗。 例句 Englands best footballer wont play at the World Cup. Hes going under the knife and wont recover in time for the start of the tournament. I had tonsillitis eight times before d...

  • 新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系

    21-04-09 经中央军委主席习近平批准,中央军委日前印发《关于构建新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系的意见》。《意见》着眼加强党对军队的思想政治领导,明确了构建新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系的方向引领、根本任务、实践落点、关键支撑、方法路径、重要保证。 The Central Mi...

  • 各国如何纪念逝者

    21-04-06 Orchid Basin Festival 日本: 摆放火盆迎祖灵 Falling on July 15th according to the lunar calendar, Orchid Basin Festival is one of the big events in Japan all people observe. Japan usually gives people 3 days off to go back to their hometowns to pay r...

  • 从士兵到教师

    21-03-16 Did you have a very strict teacher at school? I did. Ill never forget Mr Grumpy. If you didnt get your geography right, you would wish to run to the end of the earth to be far away from him. That tall man with a very loud voice knew how frighten you...

  • 习近平2021年新年贺词

    21-01-02 大家好! Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all! 2021年的脚步越来越近,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福! The year 2021 is arriving. From Chinas capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all! 2020年是极不平凡的一年。...

  • regulations on military logistics 军队后勤条例

    20-12-27 《军队后勤条例》将于 2021年1月1日起施行。该条例共40条,为进一步规范军队后勤工作、建设强大的现代化后勤提供重要遵循,为有效履行新时代军队使命任务提供有力保障。 Regulations on military logistics will go into effect on January 1, 2021. The 40-article do...