• 奥巴马演讲 实现我们的理想1

    10-09-19 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you! Hello! (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Well, hello, Philadelphia! (Applause.) And hello, Masterman. It is wonderful to see all of you. What a terrific introduction by Kelly. Give Kelly a big round of applause. (Applause.)...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济6

    10-08-23 Q Mr. President, tied in with the jobs situation I think is the education system. And it seems to be in a crisis now, and people are not being educated to take these jobs that are going to be created. And I wondered what sort of plans you might have...

  • 奥巴马演讲 教育是我们时代的经济问题1

    10-08-23 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Hello, Austin! (Applause.) Hello, Longhorns! (Applause.) It is good to be back. It is good to be back. AUDIENCE MEMBER: I love you, Obama! THE PRESIDENT: I...

  • 英国顶尖学校将不必接受审查

    10-05-28 Outstanding schools in England will no longer face routine Ofsted inspections, the new education secretary has said. 英国教育标准局新任教育部长称,英国优秀的学校将不必接受教育部门例行审查。 Inspectors will no longer have to make routine visits to al...

  • Mixed Doubles 混合双打

    10-05-13 Mixed Doubles Teacher of Physical Education: Have you ever seen mixed doubles, boys? Nick: Yes, sir. Quite often. I saw it even last night. Teacher: Please tell us something about it. Nick: Oh, sorry, sir. My father always says, 混合双打 体育老师:...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Education for a More Competitive America

    10-03-20 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address March 13, 2010 Lost in the news of the week was a headline that ought to be a source of concern for every American. It said, Many Nations Passing U.S. in Education. Now, debat...

  • Speeding Up the Race to the Top

    10-01-25 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. You guys look really cute in those chairs. (Laughter.) I am pleased to be joined today by my outstanding Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, at Graham Road Elementary School, one of Virginia's finest schools. And here...

  • 英国政府冻结肯尼亚教育资金

    09-12-14 The UK government has frozen funding for free primary education in Kenya until an investigation into fraud allegations has been carried out. 英国政府冻结了在肯尼亚免费初等教育的活动资金,直到一起欺诈案调查执行完毕。 The DfID programme was aimed at h...

  • Shanghai kids' sex-ed camp fails to excite: report 上海首家

    09-08-22 上海第一家性教育夏令营本周正式亮相,营员大多年龄介于8岁到13岁不等。但这次夏令营只有6名男孩参加,缺少了女孩团。这家民间组织的夏令营为期三天,向每个营员收取人民币2,880元。教育和卫生专家提醒,由于家长们羞于与子女谈性,中国亟需关注未婚男女青年的性教育...

  • 录取优惠政策 preferential enrollment policy

    09-07-29 为了缩小东西部地区的教育差距,国家已经出台了多项政策来支持西部地区的教育发展。近日,针对这一问题,教育部又出台了新的录取优惠政策。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The Ministry of Education announced new preferential enrollment policies to help boost educat...