• 芬兰教育局决定废弃分科教学

    15-04-04 Students in Finland won't have to study subjects. Soon, their classrooms would resemble conferences where topics are discussed. 芬兰学生将不再按学科学习。很快,学生们的课堂就会变得像开会一样进行话题讨论。 The education system is Finland is about to...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 32

    15-04-02 Now, if we admit that the senses' joy is always dependent upon the imagination, always regulated by the imagination, one must not be amazed by the numerous variations the imagination is apt to suggest during the pleasurable episode, by the infinite...

  • 奥巴马讲话 关注学生援助权利法案

    15-03-22 Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy, and how we can make it more affordable. In an economy increasingly built on innovation, the most important...

  • Teachers are People

    15-03-18 Today, more than ever before, education is playing an important role in the teaching of children. The school has become a vital part of every community, drawing children from every walk of life. The children are eager to take advantage of its opport...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录10

    15-03-12 If the wife of a leader chases after vanity and often says to her husband, why do other leaders have houses and cars while we have nothing?, the leader may take risks to accept bribes to satisfy his wife out of shame. Conversely, if the wife refuses...

  • MAC 中产富裕消费者

    14-09-25 MAC refers to middle-class and affluent consumers. Boston Consulting Group defines MACs as those with a monthly household income of more than 7,200 yuan ($1,167). MAC指的是中产富裕消费者。波士顿咨询集团将MAC定义为那些月收入超过7200元(1167美元)的家...

  • 奥巴马讲话 希望人人都能负担得起学费

    14-08-23 Hi, everybody. Over the next couple weeks, schools all across the country will be opening their doors. Students will suit up for fall sports, marching band, and the school play; moms and dads will snap those first-day-of-school pictures-and that inc...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁改善美国经济大环境

    14-06-27 Hi, everybody. As President, my top priority is rebuilding an economy where everybody who works hard has the chance to get ahead. That's what I'll spend some time talking about on Monday, at the White House Summit on Working Families. We're bringing...

  • 奥巴马讲话 帮助美国的莘莘学子

    14-06-13 Hi, everybody. This is commencement(开始,毕业典礼) season, a time for graduates and their families to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of a young person's life. But for many graduates, it also means feeling trapped by a whole lot of stu...

  • 南非理科教育水平世界最差

    14-06-04 South Africa's ranking as worst in the world for its maths and science education is a state of emergency, the opposition has said. 南非反对党宣称,国内数学与理科教育的世界排名最差,已属于紧急状态。 The Democratic Alliance called for a full skills au...