• 留学申请专业术语2

    11-06-16 Electives:选修;可选本系或旁系、主修或非主修的课。 Enrollment deposit:订金;有些学校会要求被接受的学生付保证金(不退还)以保留位置。 Faculty:全体教授。 Fellowship:奖学金;提供学费,学校生活费给full-time学生。 Financial Aid:财力奖助;包括奖学金(...

  • 奥巴马演讲 改革教育法案帮助困难孩子上学

    11-05-28 This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T. Washington High School. Graduations are always happy occasions. But this commencement was especially hopeful because of just how much the kids at Booker T. W...

  • 专家建议对有计算障碍的人用特殊教学方法

    11-05-27 Specialised teaching for individuals with dyscalculia(计算障碍) , the mathematical equivalent of dyslexia(难语症) , should be made widely available in mainstream education, according to a review of current research published today in the journal...

  • 与同事和谐相处有助延长寿命

    11-05-24 Getting along with your work colleagues could actually help you live longer, new research has shown. 新研究显示,和同事和睦相处有助于延长你的寿命。 A study of 820 men and women showed those with good peer-to-peer relationships had a lower risk of mo...

  • 英国青少年的预期收入很不切实际

    11-05-17 Teenagers are distinctly unrealistic about how much they will earn as an adult, a study has found. 一项调查发现,英国青少年对自己成年后的收入有着很不切实际的期望。 The survey revealed the average teenager expects to be paid more than 60,000 a year b...

  • 美国女性学力程度已超过男性

    11-04-29 For the first time, American women have passed men in gaining advanced college degrees as well as bachelor's degrees, part of a trend that is helping redefine who goes off to work and who stays home with the kids. 美国女性获取学士及以上学位的比例首...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我们需要帮忙每个孩子进步2

    11-03-21 Now, over these last few weeks, during what weve called Education Month around the White House, Ive been traveling across the country talking with folks about education. In fact, weve actually been doing that for the last couple of years. And what I...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我们需要帮忙每个孩子进步1

    11-03-21 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! Hello! (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you so much. (Applause.) Thank you. Everybody have a seat. Have a seat, everybody. It is wonderful to be here at Kenmore. And I want to, first of all, thank our principal, Mr. -- D...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我不希望放弃美国任何一个孩子2

    11-03-13 Well, the same is true for our country. When we sacrifice our commitment to education, were sacrificing our future. And we cant let that happen. Our kids deserve better. Our country deserves better. And over the course of March, what were calling Ed...

  • 中国成人文盲数位列世界第八

    11-03-05 联合国教科文组织本周二发布的一份报告称,在全世界文盲率最高的十个国家中,中国的成人文盲数位列第八。 International concern has grown over the illiteracy(文盲,无知) and education inequality found in China, said a senior official of the United Nation...