• 奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了2

    11-02-10 Now, as a country, we have a responsibility to encourage American innovation. I talked about this quite a bit at my State of the Union. Companies like yours have always driven the discovery of new products and new ideas. You do it better than anybod...

  • 奥巴马要求增加科技经费

    11-01-28 Last night, in his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama presented the nation with a vision of a better future through investment in education, infrastructure, and research. Recognizing the role that innovation has played in this nation...

  • 上海纽约大学即将开始筹建

    11-01-23 华东师范大学校长俞立中透露,教育部正式同意筹建上海纽约大学,选址在浦东陆家嘴。该大学由华东师范大学和美国纽约大学合作举办,将成为国内第一所中美合作的国际化大学,2013年有望在全世界范围内招收首届本科生。 China's Ministry of Education has approved a pla...

  • 儿童早期强化教育有利于未来身体健康

    11-01-16 Intensive early education programs for low-income children have been shown to yield numerous educational benefits, but few studies have looked more broadly at their impact on health and health behaviors. A new study conducted by researchers at Colum...

  • 躲过学费上涨 英国迎来入学申请潮

    11-01-08 Almost 230,000 students face missing out on university this year as the rush to escape higher tuition fees generates record demand for places. 为躲过学费上涨,英国近期掀起一股入学申请潮,申请人数创下纪录,但近23万学生今年将与大学无缘。 By Christmas,...

  • 上海学生的学习素养居全球之首

    10-12-14 Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in in maths, science and literacy released Tuesday. 根据本周二最新发布的一项针对数学素养、科学素养和阅读素养的全...

  • 转变提高护理专业过程中的新发现

    10-10-13 Still hampered by workforce(劳动力) shortages and barriers that impede(阻止,妨碍) their ranks from delivering health care to the full extent of their education and training, nurses may have gotten the much-needed shot in the arm they need to tr...

  • 奥巴马演讲 在费尔法克斯一家私人庭院的演讲3

    10-09-19 aSo these are all steps that were taking right now to try to move the economy forward. Now, I have never been more confident about the future of our economy, if we stay on track and we deal with some of these longstanding problems that we hadnt deal...

  • 奥巴马演讲 实现我们的理想3

    10-09-19 Last year I was in Michigan at Kalamazoo and had just a wonderful time. Although I got to admit, their graduating class was about 700 kids and my hands were really sore at the end of it because I was shaking all of them. (Laughter.) But the truth is...

  • 奥巴马演讲 实现我们的理想2

    10-09-19 So youve got an obligation to yourselves, and America has an obligation to you, to make sure youre getting the best education possible. And making sure you get that kind of education is going to take all of us working hard and all of us working hand...