• 永远别放弃梦想

    13-05-28 The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming u...

  • 女性晚婚事业收入高

    13-03-24 A study has found that marrying later in life is financially beneficial for women, but not for men. 一项研究发现,晚婚在财政上对女性有利,但对男性却不利。 The University of Virginia has published a report that college-educated women who wed in their...

  • Moral and National Education 德育及国民教育

    13-03-18 HK Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying (CE) said the government is willing to communicate with all parties, and is not intending to brainwash the students by introducing Moral and National Education (MNE). 香港特区行政长官梁振英表示,政府愿意与各界进行...

  • “剩女”一词引大龄女青年不满

    13-03-01 China has upset its young female population by labelling those who fail to marry by the time they are 27 as 'left over woman'. 中国将27岁还没嫁出去的女孩称作剩女,这一称号让这一女性群体很是沮丧。 Growing number of educated, professional, urban femal...

  • Massive Open Online Courses 网络公开课

    13-02-27 MOOCs ( Massive Open Online Courses ) are the latest addition to the acronym-bound lexicon of higher education, and quite possibly the most significant of them all. They represent a new generation of online education, freely accessible on the intern...

  • 英国建议年龄超60岁的人重回学校学习

    13-02-25 People in their sixties should go to university to retrain because they will be expected to work for longer before retirement, the Government has suggested. 英国政府建议年龄超过60岁的人回到学校重新接受培训,因为预计这些人的退休年龄会推后。 Older wor...

  • 英国育儿成本创近十年新高

    13-02-14 The cost of raising a child has hit an all-time high, according to a new report, heaping pressure on families already coping with cuts to child benefit. 据最新报道,英国育儿成本再创新高。英国之前已经削减了儿童津贴,而育儿成本的上升更加重了养育子女的...

  • 日本教师强迫学生喝盐酸引公愤

    13-01-28 Education authorities in Japan are to discipline a teacher who forced two students to drink diluted hydrochloric acid, the latest incident to trigger concern over corporal punishment in the nation's schools. 日本一名教师强迫两名学生喝下稀释的盐酸引...

  • pre-heritance 预支遗产

    12-12-18 Pre-heritance refers to financial support given by living parents to their children or grandchildren as an alternative to leaving an inheritance to them after they die. Pre-heritance(预支遗产)指父母健在时将财产拿出来为子孙提供经济支持,而不是将其...

  • 全球教育排行榜 芬兰居首

    12-12-03 The UK's education system is ranked sixth best in the developed world, according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson. The first and second places are taken by Finland and South Korea. 根据培生教育公司公布的全球教育排行榜,英...