• eagle dad 鹰爸

    12-10-25 A man calling himself eagle dad recently stirred up a public controversy after he uploaded a video of his 4-year-old son, whom he had forced to run naked in the snow, to the Internet. 近日,一位自称鹰爸的父亲在网络上传视频后引发公众的热议,视频中他...

  • 2012-2013世界最佳大学 加州理工学院蝉联榜首

    12-10-13 英国泰晤士报高等教育特刊3日公布2012-2013世界最佳大学排行榜报告,美国加州理工学院蝉联第一名。亚太地区国家大学的排名上升,北京大学从去年第49名升到46名,清华大学更劲升19名,从71名升到52名。 The University was ranked 20th on a 2012-2013 list released Th...

  • 教育拖延了女性的结婚年龄

    12-09-11 A study by the University of Southampton has shown that women are having children later in life mainly because they are spending longer in education. Research by Professor Mire N Bhrolchin and Dr va Beaujouan of the ESRC Centre for Population Change...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会支持教师招募计划

    12-08-25 Hi, everybody. This week, I spent some time traveling across Iowa talking with folks about rebuilding an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead(获得成功) . And along the way, I stopped in at Cascade High School to thank...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁通过运输法案与学生贷款

    12-06-30 Over the past three years, we've been clawing our way back from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. And we know it will take longer than any of us would like to fully recover all the jobs and savings that have been lost. But there are things...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会要阻止助学贷款利率翻倍

    12-04-28 Hi. This week, I got the chance to sit down with some impressive students at Lorain County Community College in Ohio. One of them was a woman named Andrea Ashley. Two years ago, Andrea lost her job as an HR analyst. Today, she's getting certified in...

  • 智利数万学生举行示威游行

    12-04-26 Tens of thousands of students have taken part in protests in Chile in support of education reform. 智利数以万计的学生举行示威活动支持教育改革。 Organisers said at least 50,000 marched in the capital Santiago on Wednesday, with police saying 25,000 a...

  • 英国公布最新全球大学名气榜

    12-03-26 Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top of a global league table of university reputation - in a top 100 dominated by US institutions. 英国泰晤士高等教育特刊近日公布最新全球大学名气榜,哈佛大学与麻省理工学院高踞前两名,美国大学...

  • 英国高等教育界存在收入差别

    12-03-05 At least 1,000 staff at Cambridge University are earning below the living wage, unions claim, around 20 times less than the annual package of the vice-chancellor. 英国工会称,剑桥大学至少1000名职工薪水低于基本生活工资,是大学副校长年收入的近1/20。 F...

  • 高中生晚上睡7小时最适宜

    12-02-13 Whether or not you know any high school students that actually get nine hours of sleep each night, that's what U.S. federal guidelines currently prescribe. A new Brigham Young University study found that 16-18 year olds perform better academically w...