• 莎士比亚戏剧原作者争议不断

    14-04-20 About 150 years after his death, questions arose about the authorship of William Shakespeare's plays. 在他去世150年之后,关于莎士比亚戏剧原作者的争议接踵而至。 About 150 years after his death, questions arose about the authorship of William Shakespe...

  • 亲子关系影响孩子的教育学习

    14-03-31 The emotional bond a child secures with its parents has a greater impact on its education than previously thought, a report suggests. 萨顿信托基金会的一份报告指出,良好的亲子关系对孩子日后的教育学习影响重大,远超以往预期。 The Sutton Trust study say...

  • 美国第一夫人米歇尔将访华

    14-03-07 First lady Michelle Obama will head to China for a week-long official visit on March 19, the White House announced Monday. 白宫周一宣称,第一夫人米歇尔将于3月19日前往中国进行一周的官方访问。 She'll be accompanied by her daughters, Sasha and Malia, a...

  • 评估人的团队协作能力

    14-03-05 It's long been a popular stereotype: Men are hugely competitive, meaning cooperative effort is the exception rather than the norm, while women have a tendency to nurture relationships with others, making them much more likely to cooperate with one a...

  • 高学费使英国本科生数量减少17%

    14-02-20 The government says undergraduate numbers have 'returned to record levels'. There was a 17% fall in the number of first year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, official figures show. 英国政府表示本科生数量降...

  • 教育推动经济发展 而非生育率

    13-12-05 A new study published in the journal Demography shows that improvements in education levels around the world have been key drivers of economic growth in developing countries that has previously been attributed to declines in fertility rates. The stu...

  • 年轻人的学业选择受家庭背景影响

    13-09-16 Even though Danish students have equal access to education, their choice of studies is still influenced by social class. Young people from working class backgrounds are motivated by studies with a clear job profile and high income, while prestige an...

  • 英美包揽世界大学最新排名前十

    13-09-13 在最新出炉的QS世界大学排名中,英国有6所大学进了前20名,其中,剑桥大学(第三)、伦敦大学学院(第四)、帝国理工学院(第五)以及牛津大学(第六)跻身前十名。美国的大学仍然在前20名中占多数位置,其中,麻省理工学院和哈佛大学占据了前两位。 The UK now boasts...

  • 奥巴马讲话 同人民一起庆祝劳动节

    13-09-08 Hi, everybody. This Labor Day weekend, as we gather with family and friends, we'll also come together as a nation to honor some of our own-the working men and women of America who, across the generations, built this country up and helped make us who...

  • people's livelihood 民生

    13-06-06 President Hu Jintao highlighted the importance of improving people's livelihood during his keynote speech on Thursday. 胡锦涛同志在十八大报告中强调了改善民生的重要性。 In the speech, Hu introduced a series of measures including promoting fairness in...