• 国际货币基金组织、世贸组织首脑举行会谈

    10-12-10 Two heavyweights(重量级的) , the leaders of the IMF and the World Trade Organization, debated global economic government at the United Nations in Geneva. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF and Pascal Lamy of the WTO, shared their views on iss...

  • 爱尔兰需要外部援助解决财政危机

    10-11-19 The Irish Republic's finance minister has said he feels no sense of shame over his country's economic record - but it now needs outside help. 爱尔兰共和国财政部长表示对于国家的经济现状没有羞耻感但是爱尔兰现在急需外部援助。 Brian Lenihan told broadca...

  • 爱尔兰债务危机引起欧盟关注

    10-11-16 Eurozone ministers are set to meet in Brussels as the debt crisis once again threatens the 16-member bloc's economic stability. 欧元区各国部长将于布鲁塞尔举行会谈,债务危机再次威胁到这16国集团的经济稳定性。 The talks come as the spotlight once again...

  • 更多的美国家庭经历过粮食短缺

    10-11-16 Almost 15% of US households experienced a food shortage at some point in 2009, a government report has found. 美国一项政府报告称,2009年15%的家庭在特定的时刻经历过粮食短缺。 US authorities say that figure is the highest they have seen since they beg...

  • G20峰会将在韩国召开

    10-11-11 The global financial system and world economy are set to dominate the agenda at a two-day meeting of the G20 group of nations in South Korea. 正于韩国举办、为期两天的G20峰会将要讨论全球金融系统和世界经济问题。 Ahead of the meeting US President Barac...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Priorities on Taxes

    10-11-07 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House November 6, 2010 This week, Americans across the country cast their votes and made their voices heard. And your message was clear. Youre rightly frustrated(挫败,阻挠) with the pace...

  • 众多经济危机词汇被收录

    10-10-30 Funemployment, PIIGS and broken society have all made their way into the Collins English Dictionary, reflecting the dominance of the economic downturn in last year's consciousness. 失业乐活(Funemployment)、欧猪五国(PIIGS) 和破裂社会(broken soci...

  • recessionista 危机时尚达人

    10-10-11 经济危机好像对大多数人都或多或少产生了一些影响。原本天天下餐馆的人改回家做饭了,之前每月买十件衣服的人改买三件了,而曾经月入超两万的人忽然收入就少了一半了。经济危机影响够大,但是在一些人身上基本看不出来。她们照样衣着光鲜亮丽,走在时尚前沿,不愧是 re...

  • 货币基金组织对全球金融体系表示担忧

    10-10-06 The International Monetary Fund says the global financial system remains the weak link in the economic recovery. 国际货币基金组织称,全球金融体系在经济复苏中仍属于最薄弱的一个缓解。 In a new report, the IMF predicts a gradual improvement in the fina...

  • 二战以来美国经济不景气时间最长

    10-09-21 The US recession lasted 18 months and was the most prolonged since World War II, a report has concluded. 一份报告称,此次美国经济危机持续了18个月,是二战以来时间最长的一次。 The National Bureau of Economic Research said the recovery began in June 20...