• G20峰会决议:削减国家预算赤字

    10-06-28 Leaders at the G20 summit in Canada have agreed to cut national budget deficits without stunting economic growth. 加拿大举行的G20峰会上,各国领导一致同意在不阻碍经济发展的前提下削减国家预算赤字。 The G20 leaders agreed to cut budget deficits Summit...

  • 社会福利大幅削减会导致失去生命?

    10-06-25 Radical cuts to social welfare spending to reduce budget deficits(预算赤字) could cause not just economic pain but cost lives, warn experts in a study published on bmj.com today. While there is a major debate under way about the potential economic...

  • 奥巴马演讲 为美国中小型企业开路

    10-06-14 Good morning, everybody. I just finished a meeting with these small business owners and a few of their workers. And we talked about some of the economic challenges facing these folks. And we talked about the ways that our government can make it easi...

  • 出口需求拉动日本经济增长

    10-05-20 Japan's continuing export-driven recovery helped economic growth accelerate in the first three months of 2010, official figures have shown. 日本官方数据显示,2010年第一季度,持续的出口拉动了日本经济的复苏。 Japanese customers have been reluctant to...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Two Major Reforms on Health Care

    10-04-05 This was a momentous(重要的,重大的) week for America. It was a week in which together, we took bold new steps toward restoring economic security for our middle class and rebuilding a stronger foundation for our future. It was a week in which some...

  • 政协会议:加快经济结构调整

    10-03-06 3月3日下午3点,全国政协十一届三次会议在人民大会堂开幕。全国政协主席贾庆林代表政协第十一届全国委员会常务委员会向大会做了工作报告,指出全国政协将紧紧抓住加快经济发展方式转变这个重点,努力促进经济平稳较快发展。 Accelerating the transformation of its ec...

  • 经济危机下美国人购书欲望不减

    10-02-06 During tough economic times when US consumers are trying to cut back the indulgence they can't seem to live without is books. 在眼下的经济困难时期,美国消费者正努力削减各项非必需开支,但他们却似乎无法割舍买书这项消费。 As snow falls, pedestrians wal...

  • 日本年度自杀数连续12年超3万

    10-01-31 据日本警察厅一项初步统计显示,日本的自杀人数自1998年以来已连续12年超过3万。2009年的自杀人数达32753人,比2008年增加了504人,其中男性自杀者为23406人,女性为9347人。2009年3月到5月期间,每月的自杀人数都超过3000,明显与当时低迷的经济状况有关。为此,日本...

  • Never Again Will the American Taxpayer

    10-01-25 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. I just had a very productive meeting with two members of my Economic Recovery Advisory Board: Paul Volcker, who's the former chair of the Federal Reserve Board; and Bill Donaldson, previously the head of the S...

  • 美多数女性认为自己能兼顾工作和生活

    10-01-23 Most young women believe they will achieve a balance between a rewarding career and a fulfilling personal life, despite the economic upheaval and a legacy of corporate culture that favors men, a survey shows. 一项调查显示,尽管经济形势动荡,企业文化...