• 何处放置核废料?

    12-06-20 Researchers in Finland have found that acceptance of the site of a spent nuclear fuel repository(储藏室) can depend on gender and economic background. Writing in the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, the team report...

  • 奥巴马演讲 敦促国会尽快实施法案

    12-06-09 Today I'm at one of Honeywell's manufacturing facilities in Golden Valley, Minnesota, where I just announced a step that will make it easier for companies to hire returning service members who have the skills our country needs right now. It's anothe...

  • job-creation package 就业振兴计划

    12-05-31 President Barack Obama, facing waning confidence among Americans in his economic stewardship, plans to lay out a $300 billion job-creation package on Thursday. 眼下美国人对奥巴马领导下的经济形势越来越没有信心,为此奥巴马总统计划于周四推出3000亿美元...

  • 奥巴马演讲 强调华尔街进行改革的重要性

    12-05-26 For the past three and a half years, we've been fighting our way back from an historic economic crisis one caused by breathtaking irresponsibility on the part of some on Wall Street who treated our financial system like a casino. Not only did that b...

  • 08年来西班牙有六千多名记者失业

    12-05-05 西班牙联邦记者协会于日前发出警告称,自2008年经济危机爆发以来,西班牙已有超过6000名记者丢了工作。 More than 6,000 journalists have lost their jobs in Spain in the three years since the economic crisis broke out, the industry warned ahead of World Pre...

  • brief stopover 短暂停留

    12-05-03 French President Nicolas Sarkozy will make a brief stopover in Beijing to meet his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao on Thursday. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐周四将在北京短暂停留会晤中国国家主席胡锦涛。 报道中的brief stopover即短暂停留。Stopover一词意为中途停留...

  • 印度下调存款利率

    12-04-17 India has cut its main interest rate for the first time in three years in a move that may signal a shift in focus to growth from inflation. 印度三年来首次降低存款利率,此举可能印度政府的主要目标从抑制通货膨胀向发展经济转变的信号。 The Reserve Bank o...

  • 意大利发生两起自焚事件

    12-03-30 Italians have been left shocked by two cases of men setting themselves on fire in the past two days in protest at their financial hardship. 两名意大利男子在过去的两天中因对自身经济困难不满而点火自焚,这两起事件震惊了意大利人。 A 58-year-old builder...

  • 海平面上涨将改变加州沿海经济发展

    12-03-01 Rising sea levels are likely to change Southern California beaches in the coming century, but not in ways you might expect. While some beaches may shrink or possibly disappear, others are poised to remain relatively large -- leaving an uneven distri...

  • 法国降低2012经济增长目标

    12-01-31 France has cut its growth forecast for this year to 0.5% from 1%, Prime Minister Francois Fillon has announced. 法国总理弗朗索瓦菲永宣布,将2012年经济增长目标从1%将至0.5%。 The revision was made to take into account the deteriorati on(恶化,退化)...