• 男人吃这些食物可以更吸引异性

    17-01-04 When it comes to your love life, the impact of your diet could go beyond having a few extra pounds around the waist -- what you eat may also influence how pleasing your body smells to members of the opposite sex. Scientists have long observed such a...

  • 匪夷所思的岛国创意 成人裹布疗法

    17-01-03 Otona Maki, or adult wrapping, is a Japanese therapeutic method of correcting posture and alleviating body stiffness by wrapping the human body in a large piece of cloth that emulates the comfortable feel of a mothers womb. Otona Maki又称成人裹布法...

  • overtime dogs 加班狗

    16-12-11 In one video that went viral this summer, an amateur Shanghai choir devoted a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as overtime dogs - a slang term for white-collar workers - entitled My Body Is Hollowed Out. 在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支...

  • 蚂蚁体色体型受环境影响很大

    16-12-10 A University of Liverpool study of ants across three continents has revealed that their colour and size is strongly influenced by their environment, and that the dominant colour and average body size can change from year to year as temperatures vary...

  • 人死后尸体将经历怎样的变化

    16-11-07 1.The last bit of oxygen in your body is used up, and brain activity surges briefly as neurons stop working and the brain stops secreting hormones that regulate body function. The last of the energy stores (ATP) is used up and the sphincter relaxes,...

  • 现代交通工具会诱导大脑认为我们中毒

    16-09-18 Traveling makes us feel sick because modern transport tricks the brain into thinking we have been poisoned, a neuroscientist has said. 一位神经系统科学家表示,现代交通工具会诱导大脑认为我们已经中毒,所以旅行常常使我们感到不舒服。 Being in a car, tra...

  • 运动后不宜吃水果

    16-08-27 There is no doubt about it, fruit is good for you - its low calorie, full of essential vitamins and micronutrients and can be enjoyed as part of balanced and nutritious diet. 毫无疑问,水果对你大有裨益水果热量低,富含必要的维生素和微量元素,可以作为...

  • 马德里公共游泳池设立“裸泳日”

    16-07-16 Madrid has given permission for public swimming pools to hold a no swimsuit day after a campaign by nudist groups. 在一些裸体主义团体展开宣传活动后,马德里市允许公共游泳池设立裸泳日。 The mayor Manuela Carmena has written to all boroughs in the Span...

  • 女性对外形缺乏信心已成全球性问题

    16-07-05 Womens body confidence has become a critical issue around the world and pressure from the media is largely to blame for our low self-esteem, a new report warns. 一项最新报告指出,女性对自身外形缺乏信心已成为全球性重要问题,来自媒体的压力是主要原因。...

  • 几种完全错误的洗澡方式 下

    16-06-08 USING A POUF Poufs and loofahs are a haven for bacteria -- the dead skin cells they scrub so well from our body get caught up in the nooks where bacteria can feed on them. Also, because poufs take time to dry and may well retain dead skin cells, its...