• 如何选择一件适合自己身材的完美泳衣

    15-06-05 For many women, it seems that picking the perfect style to suit their frame is the source of severe pre-holiday anxiety. 对许多女性来说,选择一件适合自己身材的完美泳衣似乎成为了严重假前焦虑症的病源。 But what if there was a simple formula for findin...

  • The Nitty Gritty Dictionary

    15-05-21 ADULT: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle. BEAUTY PARLOR: A place where women curl up and dye. CANNIBAL: Someone who is fed up with people. CHICKENS: The only animals you eat before they are born and after...

  • 26个奇葩英文单词

    15-05-12 agastopia n. admiration of a particular part of someones body 名词,指尤其迷恋某人身体的某一部分。 bibble v. to drink often; to eat and/or drink noisily 动词,经常喝酒;吃东西或喝东西时噪音很大。 cabotage n. coastal navigation; the exclusive right o...

  • 如何找到一条上身效果绝佳的牛仔裤

    15-04-08 When it comes to tracking down the perfect pair of jeans, there is no other piece of clothing that induces so much stress. 找到一条上身效果绝佳的牛仔裤给人的压力比其他任何服装搭配都大。 As well as adhering to the style of the season (flared? skinny?...

  • 意大利艺术家手部彩绘屡获嘉奖

    15-02-02 Award-winning Italian artist Guido Daniele has an exceptional talent he can transform human hands into 'handimals', hyper-realistic animal portraits. 意大利艺术家圭尼达尼埃莱屡获嘉奖,他有一项特别的手艺,可以通过手部彩绘将人手变成逼真的动物肖像。 Wi...

  • 想象锻炼也能达到实地健身的效果

    14-12-28 A new research study suggests that just thinking of exercising can have the same effects as actually hitting the gym, officials say. 最新研究显示,想象自己在锻炼,也能达到实地健身的效果。 A recent study published in the Journal of Neurophysiology fo...

  • The Shallow End

    14-12-22 The Shallow End Aaron Fagan Not what I Am used to Thinking of As life -- and More fragile -- Up from the Riverbed, it Trails braided Fishing lines From its body -- Seeing me, It bursts away Among trees. My body Quickens in Front of my Mind -- I sit...

  • 用意念控制他人身体已变成现实

    14-11-16 Taking control of another person's body with your mind is something that has been long dreamed of in comic books and films like X Men, but now scientists have achieved it in real life. 人类一直以来梦想用意念控制他人身体,《X战警》等漫画和电影都曾描...

  • 把身体变成鼠标的新型动态椅

    14-11-05 The latest design, dubbed Dynamic Chair, turns the user's whole body into a mouse so even when they're sat down, they're still moving. 近日,出现了一款新型动态椅,可以把使用者的整个身体变成鼠标,这样即使坐着也在运动。 Sensors built into the exoskele...

  • The snake and Jupiter

    14-10-17 A snake suffered a good deal from being constantly trodden upon by man and beast, owing partly to the length of his body and partly to his being unable to raise himself above the surface of the ground: so he went and complained to Jupiter about the...