• The Frog and the Cow 蛙和奶牛

    21-10-04 Baby frogs went on a picnic in the woods. Getting out of the pond for the first time, they sang merrily. 小青蛙们在树林里野餐。这是他们第一次从池塘里出来,他们正在愉快地唱歌。 Then, they found a cow grazing in a field. Oh, my! What is that? It is hu...

  • 遭到性侵害的女性脑部病变的风险更高

    21-09-28 美国一项研究发现,曾经遭到性侵害的女性,未来出现认知能力下降、痴呆、中风等脑部病变的风险更高。这表明性暴力对受害者在心理上和身体上都有巨大的长期影响。 Women who have been sexually assaulted have a higher risk of developing a type of brain damage tha...

  • 穿袜子睡觉入睡更快 还能提高睡眠质量

    21-09-25 科学研究证明,穿袜子睡觉可以让你提前15分钟进入梦乡,晚上醒来的次数也会少得多。双脚的温度跟睡眠质量是密切相关的。要理解其中原因,你需要首先掌握核心体温和睡眠之间的关系。 If youre one of those people who has trouble falling asleep, listen up. You migh...

  • 为什么有人喝咖啡后反而更困

    21-08-30 上班前喝杯咖啡唤醒一天是越来越多打工人的选择。人们将咖啡作为一种晨间能量饮料,对抗疲劳保持清醒。但是,也有一部分人喝咖啡后反而感觉更困了,这是为什么呢? The reason we get tired throughout the day is because a neurochemical called adenosine builds up...

  • go head-to-head 针锋相对地竞争

    21-08-03 To go head-to-head 意思是两人之间头对头地竞争。 例句 Theyre both amazing swimmers - I cant wait to see them go head-to-head. There can only be one winner. Well have to go head-to-head to decide who it is. 请注意 还有一个意思类似的短语是 neck-and-nec...

  • a body blow 惨痛的失败 致命一击

    21-07-21 A body blow 是一个成语表达,说明一件事对另一件事造成了巨大打击,后果严重。 例句 His poor grade in the last essay was a body blow to his chances of graduating top of the class. Im sorry to hear you broke your wrist. Thanks, it was a real body blow. I...

  • be streaming with sweat 汗流浃背

    21-05-19 汗流浃背,汉语成语,意思是汗水流得满背都是,多形容因恐惧或体力消耗流了很多汗,衣服都湿透了。可以翻译为be streaming with sweat(from fear or physical exertion),或be soaked with sweat。 例句: 在阳光的强烈照射下他们已经汗流浃背。 Already they were s...

  • 吃西瓜对身体有很多好处

    21-05-17 1. Keeps you hydrated 补水 A medium-sized watermelon is about 92% water, so its a great option to keep you hydrated. 一个中等大小的西瓜大约有92%是水分,因此吃西瓜补水效果是很好的。 2. Contains essential vitamins 富含基本维生素 Watermelon contains ma...

  • 失聪牧羊犬通过识别手势指令放羊

    21-05-16 一只牧羊犬在失去了听力,无法在农场工作后,被农场主弃养并送给了英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA),她经过训练,可以理解一系列的手势,从而得以 回到她热爱的工作岗位上。 Peggy, an eight-year-old collie, was taken in by the charitys Mid Norfolk and North...

  • a gym bunny 健身迷

    21-04-22 A gym bunny 一只健身兔 用精力旺盛、蹦来蹦去的兔子来比喻 一位非常关注自己的体形体态、酷爱健身的人。A gym bunny 也可以用来暗示一个人 比较虚荣,过分在意自己的外貌,这个用法带有贬义色彩。 例句 Robbie is such a gym bunny! He spends more time at the gym t...