• 蓝鲸通过提高觅食效率供养庞大的身躯

    15-10-05 As the largest animals to have ever lived on Earth, blue whales maintain their enormous body size through efficient foraging strategies that optimize the energy they gain from the krill they eat, while also conserving oxygen when diving and holding...

  • body double 替身

    15-09-25 A body double is a general term for someone who substitutes for the credited actor of a character in any recorded visual medium, whether videotape or film. The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe (or nearly) shots involving nudi...

  • 巴西发现九千年前的人类斩首实例

    15-09-24 A 9,000 year-old case of human decapitation has been found in the rock shelter of Lapa do Santo in Brazil, according to a study published September 23, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Andr Strauss from the Max Planck Institute for Evolut...

  • 身体柔韧新挑战 反手夹手机

    15-09-14 A new body challenge has emerged in China following the popularity of previous contortion tests, with the latest relying on flexibility. 前阵子中国掀起了一股反手摸肚脐身体挑战热潮,现在新的身体柔韧挑战项目又诞生了。 The 'reverse praying' trend sees...

  • 低脂饮食比低碳饮食更易减掉脂肪

    15-08-17 A study from the US National Institutes of Health presents some of the most precise human data yet on whether cutting carbs or fat has the most benefits for losing body fat. In a paper published August 13 in Cell Metabolism, the researchers show how...

  • Think What You Are!

    15-07-23 Carbon and oxygen taken together, one atom each, gives you the deadly gas carbon monoxide. On the other hand, these very two elements on some other proportion provide us with carbon dioxide, the harmless gas. When these basic elements can behave in...

  • 侏罗纪中期哺乳动物的进化速度最快

    15-07-21 Mammals were evolving up to ten times faster in the middle of the Jurassic than they were at the end of the period, coinciding with an explosion of new adaptations, new research shows. Early mammals lived alongside the dinosaurs during the Mesozoic...

  • conjoined twins 连体婴

    15-06-25 Twelve-week-old conjoined twins from Jiangxi province were successfully separated at a Shanghai hospital on Tuesday with the assistance of 3-D printing technology. 来自江西省一对12周的连体婴9日在上海一家医院借助3D打印技术被成功分离。 这对连体女婴臀...

  • Body Builder Light Bulb

    15-06-23 Q: How many body builders does it take to change a light bulb? A: Nine. One to screw in the bulb while the other 8 hold up the mirrors....

  • 胚胎早期母亲染色体上的独特标记

    15-06-13 Researchers in the University of Georgia's Regenerative Bioscience Center are visually capturing the first process of chromosome alignment and separation at the beginning of mouse development. The findings could lead to answers to questions concerni...