• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 38

    21-03-18 No misfortune occurred, again to prevent the ball. The day approached, the day arrived; and after a morning of some anxious watching, Frank Churchill, in all the certainty of his own self, reached Randalls before dinner, and every thing was safe. No...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 24

    21-03-17 The next morning brought Mr. Frank Churchill again. He came with Mrs. Weston, to whom and to Highbury he seemed to take very cordially. He had been sitting with her, it appeared, most companionably at home, till her usual hour of exercise; and on be...

  • inseparable as body and shadow 形影不离

    21-03-13 形影不离,汉语成语,意思是像形体和它的影子那样分不开(follow each other like body and shadow),形容彼此关系亲密,经常在一起。可以翻译为inseparable as body and shadow,be never apart。 例句: 这条狗与主人形影不离。 The dog is his masters shadow. 他...

  • 啤酒肚

    21-03-09 Are you concerned about your body image? These days, both women and men are surrounded by magazines and websites full of tips about dieting, exercise and fashion. Not to mention hairstyles! Gone are the days when all men had to think about was weari...

  • 为了穿漂亮鞋 给脚做手术?

    21-03-09 Has your waistline expanded recently? How about your feet? Researchers have discovered human feet are increasing in size to cope with the extra weight were putting on them due to obesity. According to a recent survey in Britain by the College of Pod...

  • 模特儿们都太瘦了吗?

    21-02-27 When they talk about fashion in Paris, the world listens. Lets see if that remains the case when the conversation is about skinny models. France has unexpectedly adopted a law making it a criminal offence to employ very thin women on the catwalk. Th...

  • 吃什么会影响你的情绪

    21-02-24 我们当中的大多数人都喜欢吃东西,不论是喜好巧克力,还是对蛋糕情有独钟,那些被我们吃进肚子的食物其实会影响我们的情绪。科学家们最新发现了食物与人的情绪之间的关联。 Cosuming food can be a pleasurable thing we enjoy feasting on the mix of tastes and text...

  • 我们为什么打哈欠

    21-02-23 请注意,点开这篇文章可能会让你打哈欠!这并不是因为我们的节目太无聊或者你会被传染上哈欠,而是因为只要我们看到别人打哈欠,甚至只是想想这个行为,都可能引发我们来一个大哈欠! Its a question that has puzzled scientists for a long time: why exactly do we...

  • 压力为什么能让你变胖?

    21-02-10 每天要面对来自生活、工作的压力对于很多现代人来说已是家常便饭,但随之而来的是由压力引起的健康隐患,包括睡眠不足和心脏疾病等。你知道吗,除此之外,压力还可以使人的体重增加,甚至导致肥胖? Have you ever had a stressful day? Many people do in the course...

  • body warmer 暖宝宝

    21-01-13 寒冬时节,骤降的气温让人们离不开各种保暖神器。而说到保暖神器,当然少不了暖手暖脚又暖心的暖宝宝。 暖宝宝(literally warm baby)其实是一种方形的暖身贴,英文常见的说法有body warmer,body heat pad,warmer pad或heat patch等。 例句: 我在网上给我奶奶买了...