• 燕麦为何让人有饱腹感

    14-07-21 Glance through a popular magazines list of healthy breakfast foods and you'll likely find oatmeal in the group. 据《科学美国人》报道,随便看看流行杂志列出的健康早餐食物,你总会发现燕麦的身影。 Among other benefits, oatmeal is touted as having the ab...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 7

    14-06-20 For seven days I hurried on, resting only when the darkness stopped me, and living chiefly upon cocoanuts, which afforded me both meat and drink, and on the eighth day I reached the seashore and saw a party of white men gathering pepper, which grew...

  • 火蚁“救生艇”的内部结构

    14-06-16 Three years ago, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers took a close look at how fire ants work together to build waterproof rafts(救生艇,竹排) to stay alive. By looking at the edges and tops of rafts, the team discovered that ants grip each...

  • 分子途径mTORC1控制脂肪的转换

    14-06-10 Scientists have reported that a molecular pathway called mTORC1 controls the conversion of unhealthy white fat into beige(浅褐色的) fat, an appealing target for increasing energy expenditure and reducing obesity. The team, led by researchers from...

  • 争先恐后

    14-05-29 Zhao Xiangzi had been learning chariot(二轮战车) driving from Wang Yuqi. Before long, Zhao Xiangzi contested with Wang Yuqi. Zhao Xiangzi changed horses three times and lost three times. Then he reproached(责备) Wang Yuqi for not having taught h...

  • The Invention of Death

    14-05-19 The Invention of Death Gregory Djanikian Nothing was so mysterious as your body coming to a close, the winches(绞盘) of your arms and legs slackening(使缓慢) , your mouth loosened. You were lying under a white coverlet(被单,床罩) as if under...

  • 章鱼触手不会吸附自己身体的奥秘

    14-05-16 An octopus's arms are covered in hundreds of suckers that will stick to just about anything, with one important exception. Those suckers generally won't grab onto the octopus itself; otherwise, the impressively flexible animals would quickly find th...

  • Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome 睡眠相位延迟综合症

    14-05-08 Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder in which the individual's internal body clock is delayed with respect to the typical sleep at night, rise in the morning pattern of most adults. Such people are sometimes calle...

  • 人类鼻子对性别气息很敏感

    14-05-02 The human body produces chemical cues that communicate gender to members of the opposite sex, according to researchers who report their findings in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on May 1. Whiffs of the active steroid ingredients (androstadi...

  • 7种方式助你塑造身形

    14-04-27 Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. 还在寻找一...