10-01-04 I was born with a rare birth defect天生缺陷 called TARSA Syndrome综合症 , which means I am missing the radius桡骨,半径 bone in my forearms. My arms were shorter because of this condition, but I never thought of myself as different. I don't like bei...
09-12-23 The average low-income person loses 8.2 years of perfect health, the average high school dropout辍学 loses 5.1 years, and the obese肥胖的 lose 4.2 years, according to researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Tobacco cont...
09-12-08 A bomb blast has killed at least eight people, mostly children, at a middle school in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. 伊拉克首都巴格达一所中学发生炸弹爆炸事件,造成8人死亡,而且多数是儿童。 The explosion also wounded at least 40 others, reports say. The...
09-11-26 These days having a best friend seems so important to girls. You want to be special. However I have learned the hard way that having one best friend is not the way to go. It's so much better to have many great friends. As I was coming into Middle Sc...
09-11-18 Police in a town near Paris have foiled a 13-year-old boy's plan to shoot his teachers and himself after being warned by his parents, officials say. 巴黎附近一座小城的警方阻止了一名13岁男孩的疯狂计划:开枪射杀老师然后自??The Roman Catholic school...
09-11-04 Through my school years I never imagined of falling in love. I wanted to stay single just from watching my friends get mistreated(虐待) by their boyfriends all the time. On my junior year just turning 17 my best friend decides to set me up with a...
09-10-27 Pop star Madonna has marked the start of construction at the girls school she is building in Malawi. 流行举行麦当娜出席了在马拉威她赞助建造的一座女子学校建设的奠基仪式。 The 51-year-old cut a ribbon and planted a tree at the groundbreaking(破土,开...
09-09-21 现在我们在电视上可以经常看见各类高职院校的广告,高职院校如今也是高中生毕业后的一大去向,那么高职院校的英文说法是什么呢? 请看新华社的报道: China's higher vocational schools enroll more than 3 million students annually-- China currently has about 1,...
09-09-13 2009年9月8日,奥巴马总统在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡(Arlington, Virginia)韦克菲尔德高中(Wakefield High School)对全美中小学生发表讲话,强调上学读书的重要性,激励学生努力学习。以下是讲话全文: REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN A NATIONAL ADDRESS TO AMERICAS SCH...
09-08-30 A cell phone user sending text messages. In Houston, Texas, thousands of students are returning to school to discover a new rule: no sexting -- the distribution of nude or semi-nude photographs or videos by text message. In Houston, Texas, thousands...