• 加拿大77岁老人中奖后灾难连连

    12-09-29 加拿大蒙特利尔一位77岁的老人在2009年中了总额达1690万美元的乐透大奖,可是这一幸运事件却在接下来的几年中带给了他更多的不幸。 For lottery winner Lucien Nault, it might have been better to have no luck at all. The 77-year-old Montreal man won $16.9 mill...

  • Drunken Humour 醉汉的幽默

    12-09-21 Wife: Dear, you looked quite drunk last night and you kept repeating the same thing at the table. Husband: Really? Then don't believe anything said by a drunken person. By the way, what did I say to you? Wife: I love you, dear. 妻子:亲爱的,你昨晚...

  • You are his father

    12-09-21 This bloke(小子,家伙) is lying on his deathbed, surrounded by his weeping wife and his four children. Three of the children are tall, good looking and athletic(运动的) , but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt(小家畜,小牛) . Darling, the...

  • A Ghost Story

    12-09-11 Now, there was a very young and beautiful wife, who became sick and nearly died. She was on her death bed and told her husband, I love you very much, and I don't want to leave you. Please, after I die, don't marry another person. You promise me! Oka...

  • 半途而废

    12-08-09 During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. One day he saw a piece of gold on the road and picked it up. He took it home and gave it to his wife. But his wife was not happy. The virtuous(善良的) wo...

  • Alpha-wife 阿尔法老婆

    12-08-08 Alpha-wives emerge when more than 50 percent of all households in the USA have a woman as its prime breadwinner. 如今美国超过半数的家庭中,女人才是主要的经济支柱,这样的女人就是阿尔法老婆。 Sociologist Catherine Bartlett says the alpha-wife has begu...

  • Free-range husband 放养老公

    12-07-19 Free-range husband is a man who enjoys a fair amount of freedom in married life. His wife would allow him a private space, understand the pressure he is suffering from work and encourage him to take part in social activities and make new friends. 放...

  • A Never Finished Job 一直没干完的活

    12-07-11 I was going away for a few days and left my husband a list of chores. For fun, I put down as Item 5: Think about your wife a lot. After I returned, my husband proudly reported that he had completed every job. When I saw the list, however, each item...

  • 罗比退出奥运会闭幕演出

    12-07-07 据英国媒体报道,原定在伦敦奥运会闭幕演出中献唱的英国歌手罗比威廉姆斯因演出日期与妻子预产期冲突而决定退出。 Robbie Williams has reportedly pulled out of the London Olympics Closing Ceremony. Robbie Williams has reportedly pulled out of the London Oly...

  • 南非或将不再供养祖玛多位妻子

    12-06-22 南非非洲人国民议会成员近日提议减少对总统祖玛多名妻子的财政支持,称国家只有义务帮助总统供养第一位妻子,其他几位妻子的生活用度应由总统本人负担。 Jacob Zuma, South Africa's polygamous(一夫多妻的) president, faces losing 1.2 million ($1.9 million) bud...