• 《疯狂动物城》第27章

    23-01-30 The next day, all the news channels aired footage of Bellwether in an orange jumpsuit, being led to jail. Former mayor Dawn Bellwether is behind bars today, guilty of masterminding the savage attacks that have plagued Zootopia of late, said a newsca...

  • 《灰姑娘》序

    22-12-20 Once upon a time, there lived a handsome man and a beautiful woman. They were kind gentle and generous to all. The man worked hard to make his wife happy, and his wife loved him wildly. They lived in a quaint home in the middle of a beautiful kingdo...

  • the picture of 非常,完美典范

    22-11-28 搭配 the picture of 的意思是 某人的特质是一件事情的完美典范,最常用来谈论人,描述 此人的态度、情绪或状态等非常、很。 搭配中的冠词 the 可以换成 a,即 a picture of,含义不变。 例句 My grandmother is a picture of health thanks to her healthy lifestyle....

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 31

    22-09-15 On that same day two limousines parked on the Long Beach mall. One of the big cars waited to take Connie Corleone, her mother, her husband and her two children to the airport. The Carlo Rizzi family was to take a vacation in Las Vegas in preparation...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 22

    22-09-14 Lucy Mancini, a year after Sonnys death, still missed him terribly, grieved for him more fiercely than any lover in any romance. And her dreams were not the insipid dreams of a schoolgirl, her longings not the longings of a devoted wife. She was not...

  • the lesser of two evils 两害相权取其轻

    22-08-25 如果你去住旅店,只有两个房间可供选择,一个在电梯旁边,另外一个在饮料自动贩卖机旁边。你挑哪个?要是我的话,我肯定挑选饮料自动贩卖机旁边的那个,虽然不时会有人来买东西,但起码不会像电梯口那么吵。 在英语里,有一种说法叫,the lesser of two evils. Evil是...

  • muddy the water 混淆视听

    22-08-18 这里的muddy是动词,意思是弄得浑浊。Muddy the water从字面意思来看就是在水里搅起泥浆,使水浑浊。 其实这个习惯用语对中国听众说来是耳熟能详的,因为中文里也有把水搅混一说。当然muddy the water跟中文的把水搅混一样,是作比喻意义的。它的意思是搬出细枝末节来...